All Events and Initiatives || Year by Year

President Michele Capasso and Pia Molinari were welcomed by the Secretary General of the Moroccan Parliament Najib El Khadi before visiting the Peace Totem by sculptor Molinari. The sculpture was placed in the foyer of the Moroccan Parliament as the symbol of the new democratic process that had began with the recently held elections.


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The President of the Fondazione Mediterraneo Michele Capasso and the Director of the “young people, women and creativity” sector, Pia Molinari, visited the Training Center of the National Union of Moroccan Women.
After being welcomed by the Vice President, Mrs. Babea El Merini and a delegation of Moroccan women, they visited the school, the center for literacy and the training halls (dress-making, cookery, computers, etc.).


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The President of the Fonndazione Mediterraneo, Michele Capasso and the Director the “young people, women and creativity” sector, Pia Molinari, held an official meeting with a delegation from the National Union of Moroccan Women (UNFM) to draw up a Cooperation Protocol for the establishment of an “Observatory for Women’s Needs” aimed at answering the problems of violence, illiteracy, gender equality and human rights, etc.

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The President of the Fondazione Mediterraneo, Michele Capasso and Directors of the “young people, women, creativity and international cooperation” sector, Pia Molinari and Driss Guerraoui, met with the European Union Ambassador to Morocco, Eneko Landaburu. During the meeting, mention was made of the contribution of the Fondazione to the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership over the past twenty years, focusing in particular on recent initiatives in favour of young people (Cosenza, Dakhla, Fez and Rabat).

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