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The Fondazione signs the Appeal for Europe.

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The Fondazione Mediterraneo has been a partner at the Yacht Med Festival since its first edition. It is a major venue for valorizing the resources of the “Sea”, as it lays emphasis on the Mediterranean as an important vehicle of cultural identity.
On that occasion, the “Yacht Med Awards” were awarded to Michele Capasso (for peace and dialogue among cultures, Predrag Matvejevic’ (for literature) and Roberto Vecchioni (for art and music).

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At a ceremony in Gaeta, the “Yacht Med Awards” were awarded to Michele Capasso (for peace and dialogue among cultures), Predrag Matvejevic’ (for literature) and Roberto Vecchioni (for art and music).
This was an important acknowledgment for the twenty years’ dedicated by Michele Capasso and Predrag Matvejevic’ in the service of peace and dialogue among the populations of the Mediterranean.


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