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The May Edition of the Magazine “Rotary 2100” published an article by President Michele Capasso (pages 5 & 6) entitled “Mare di pace e di guerra”.


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The “2012 Mediterranean Award for Institutions” was awarded to the “NunziatellaMilitary Academy in Naples at two ceremonies that took place to celebrate the traditional Mak p 100 for the pupils of the 222nd Course. The General Commander of the Military Academy of Modena, Division General, Massimiliano De Casale, presided over the ceremony at which the Prefect of Naples Andrea De Martino, the Mayor of Naples, Luigi de Magistris and representatives from Civil and military Authorities spoke. The Patroness of the ceremony was the Councillor for Culture for the Region of Campania, Prof. Caterina Miraglia.
A solemn ceremony was observed before the banners of the Region of Campania, the Province of Naples and the Municipality of Naples to award the “Mediterranean Award for Institutions”. The Commander of the “Nunziatella” Military Academy, Colonel Bernardo Barbarotto , received the Totem for Peace, a sculpture by Mario Molinari from the President of the Fondazione Mediterraneo, Michele Capasso, accompanied for the occasion by Pia Molinari.


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The President of the Fondazione Mediterraneo Michele Capasso and Pia Molinari, board member, met with the p.governor of the Rotary Club of Casablanca MersSultan, M. Thami Ababou and Mrs. Daniele.
On that occasion, the projects of the Fondazione in Morocco were illustrated, especially those relating to children’s rights and women’s needs.


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