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The "Totem of Peace with the urn of Unknown Migrant" – installed in Naples Port in the occasion of 150° anniversary of Port Captaincy – Coast Guard- has been praised not only by public and tourists of cruises, but got also the approval of architects, town planners, Nobel prizes and exponents of cultural and civil society’s world.

The Conference was aimed to offering a platform from which an integrated approach can be established to set priorities regarding the challenges facing the region. It also provided opportunities to explore future strategic trends and develop a comprehensive view of events at all levels in light of the rapid pace of current developments.
The conference hosted experts on domestic, regional and international issues, including officials, academics, strategic experts, media representatives and diplomats from the UAE and abroad. They exchanged ideas and opinion with a view to establishing common findings.

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Two weeks after the attack at Bardo Museum, in which 22 people lost their lives, thousands of people joined the rally against terrorism. Among them there were also Tunisian authorities and leaders of foreign countries as Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi, French President François Hollande and the President Abu Mazen.
In his encounter with Abu Mazen Michele Capasso talked with him about Abu Mazen visit in Fondazione Mediterraneo. Already years before the President was concerned about the increase of terrorist danger in Arab countries as Tunisia which are undertaking the difficult path of democracy and peaceful coexistence among different cultures and civilizations.
The official slogan is "The world is Bardo". Before the start of the march the premier Habib Essid announced the murder of the leader of the terrorist group by Tunisian task forces. He is Khaled Chaib, known also as Lokman Abou Sakher. Lokman was leader of the local terrorist group Ukba Ibn Nafi whose headquarters is in the Chaambi mountains at the borders with Algeria. The premier affirmed that the kill of Chaib happened yesterday in Gafsa region. As it has happened also in the aftermath of terrorist attacks to the French journal Charlie Hebdo: "Tunisia is not alone – the president Renzi said – we are here to show our support to this country. We are not surrending to terrorists and we will keep fighting for peace and freedom ideals".

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