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During His pastoral visit the Holy Father Francis dedicated particular attention to the migrants.
His words were:

I would like to answer to the sister who spoke in behalf of migrants and homeless people.
She asked for a word which ensures that migrants too are citizens and God’s sons. Is it necessary to arrive at this point? Are migrants second class human beings? We owe let our migrant sisters and brothers that they are citizens as us, God’s sons, they are migrants as us, because we are all migrants to somewhere and maybe we all arrive it. Nobody has to lose the road. We are all migrants, we are all sons of a God who put us in walk. It is not possible to say: “Migrants are in this way and we are in this way”. No! We are all migrants, we are all walking a path. This sentence is not written on a book, but is in our flesh, life path which ensures us that we are migrants, we are all walking and this ensure us that in Jesus we are all sons of God, beloved, desired and saved. Let’s think about this: we are all migrants in the life path, nobody as a stable house in this world, everyone has to go. And we have to go to God: one by one or as that old clever man: “Yes, of course, you can start going, I’ll come as last.”

These words had been pronounced just few minutes before the departure of the Holy Father while he was passing before the Monument with the urn of the Unknown Migrant” , blessing the participants. In the monument has been hosted the urn with the remains of the “Unknown Migrant”.

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In the afternoon, before leaving the archbishop’s palace, the Pope greeted Auxiliary Bishops of Naples and Member of Secretary and Organisational Committee of the Visit.
He went to the Cathedral for the meeting with the Clergy, Men and Women Religious, Permanent Deacons and people from the seminary.
In the Chapel of Santa Restituta the Pope lighted up a votive candle before the Madonna del Principio whereas in the Cathedral He venerated San Gennaro relics.
During the meeting which also diocese’s Cloistered sisters joined, after the questions addressed by Episcopal Vicarial for Clergy and Episcopal Vicarial for Consecrated Life.

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At 13 o’clock the Holy Father went to Poggioreale “Giuseppe Salvia” Detention Center where He was welcomed by its Director Dr.Antonio Fullone, by Commander, Dr. Gaetano Diglio, and by the Chaplain, Don Franco Esposito.
During His walk towards the chapel Pope Francis greeted the representatives of Direction, Penitentiary Police and employed and detaineed of Detention Center. He had luncheon with representatives of detaineed in the church present in the Detention Center. The speech given by the Pope during the visit is available at the following link.

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