The Assembly of the Founding Members of the "Anna Lindh Italia Onlus Federation" was held in Florence, at the Institute of Salesians in Via del Ghirlandaio.
Born on September 26, 2016, the "Federation" aims to implement the goals of the Anna Lindh Foundation based in Alexandria, with particular attention to the recommendations issued by the "MED FORUM" organized by the same Foundation in Malta from 23 to 25 October 2016.
Among the founding members of the "Federation" - representing over 600 organizations and institutions working for dialogue, peace and international cooperation - include universities, cities, regions, cultural and research institutes, voluntary associations, third sector bodies , foundations and representatives of various religions: for example, the Society of Saint Francis of Sales (Salesians), the "Muna" University Network, the City of Science, the International Civil Service, the Caponnetto Foundation, the Agency for the Euromed Cultural Heritage, the Mediterranean Academy, Fispmed and others.
During the Assemblies of Naples and Florence, the strategies and future programs have been defined.
On this occasion, in Florence, the results of the General Assembly of the Federation, which took place on 8 and 9 November 2016, were analyzed in conjunction with those of the General Assembly of the ALF Italian Network, which took place in Naples on 10 and 11 November 2016.
The Assembly unanimously established the following:

  1. Supporting the "lighthouse" project on the "Intercultural City", a priority action of the "Federation"; in this context, the members' potentialities and examples of good practice that this action intends to gather, particularly with regard to the "Relational Spaces in Cities", "Intelligent Bioterrorism", "Recovering Territorial Identities", "Good Practices for Migrant Training", "Young People in Discomfort", "Education of Young People at Peace "," Education for the Other's Religion (Retention Education), Retrieval and Training on Old Trades, "Formation of Migrants and Their Integration into Societies," Promotion of "Active and Responsible Citizenship "," Conflict Management "," Non-Formal Education ", Support for" Youth as a Tool for Dialogue in Cities ", Promotion of a" Na positive development of the media in cities ", the development of" Youth Entrepreneurship and Immigrants ", the enhancement of the" Women of the Creative and Solidary Businesses ", the promotion of the" Bank of Time and the Dynamics of Reception " "Sustainable Publishing", the establishment of the "41st Councilor" for the representative of the immigrant communities, the identification of a city "Intercultural capital of young people" (at regional, national and mediterranean level) with an identical process to that for the European Capital of Culture. "
  2. Expand this project to the "Italian Network of the Anna Lindh Foundation" (where the "Federation" - with its 600 members - is the most represented) and the "Maltese Network of the Anna Lindh Foundation", represented during the Assembly by capofila avv. Cynthia Tomasuolo, who shared the proposal, securing the support of the Government of Malta during its forthcoming European Council presidency.
  3. Confirm the role of absolute independence of the "Federation" and of the "ALF Italian Network", as is the case in all other National Networks and as confirmed by the Maltese leader.
  4. Ask the leader of the Italian Network to distinguish in all documents and official reports the various memberships of the members through the different associations (Federazione Anna Lindh Italia, RIDE Association, etc.).
  5. Request the MAECI equilibrium and third parties in enhancing, promoting and supporting the activities of members of the Italian Network and of the "Federation".

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The leader of the Italian Network ALF Michele Capasso and the Head of the Maltese Network Cynthia Tomasuolo agreed on a collaboration between the two networks for the implementation of the project "The Intercultural City" with particular attention to the island's specificities and the theme of the island.
The project will be supported during the next semester of the Maltese presidency of the European Council.
The meeting was attended by prof. Gilberto Sammartino (Federico II University of Naples), on. Nello Formisano (Mediterranean Academy), prof. Mario Maritano (Salesians) and prof. Maurizio Iaccarino (former UNESCO General Director and member of the Mediterranean Academy).

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The members of the "Anna Lindh Foundation" Italian Network held at the General Assembly - hosted at the "Museum of Peace - MAMT" - visited the Museum and Documentation Center inaugurated by President Guigou, expressing appreciation for the initiative of Fondazione Mediterraneo.

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The "Anna Lindh Italia Federation" with the Peace Museum - MAMT are partners of the event organized by the City of Science (founder of the "Federation").

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At the Fondazione Mediterraneo the General Assembly of the "Italian Network of the Anna Lindh Foundation" was held in Naples, consisting of representatives of Italian organizations and institutions engaged in dialogue and peace.
The Agenda of the Day - prepared by the Pilotage Committee - developed around the recommendations and conclusions of the MED FORUM of Malta (23-25 ​​October 2016) and the meetings of the Heads of National Networks and 5 + 5 in Marseilles (26 and October 28, 2016) so that they can find fulfillment in Italian reality right through the ALF National Network.
To this end, a capacity-building session was held (November 9, 2016) and the most significant projects being implemented by members, many of whom have prepared the "Intercultural City" project with a presentation of "The City of Dialogue" by Prof. Massimo Pica Ciamarra.
At the end of the work, two documents were prepared and shared: one concerning the statement of principles and the other the operational conclusions.
The RIDE Association held a self-organized session on the development of the Italian ALF Network in the last year.

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As part of the work of the General Assembly of the Italian Network ALF, at the request of the RIDE Association - whose members are all part of the Italian Network - a self-managed session was held on the recent developments of the Italian Network and RIDE (in place of 'original General Assembly and the meeting of the Executive Committee originally scheduled).
The legal representative of the RIDE association Dr. Enrico Molinaro and Min. Pl Enrico Granara of the MAECI have illustrated the developments that have taken place in recent months: in particular the Min. Pl Granara has confirmed the particular interest of the MAECI for RIDE and the consideration and support for its activities and its re-launch, under Law 125 of 11.08.2014 and UNAOC activities of the United Nations.
The present members gave rise to a debate that led to the need for independence and freedom of action for the Italian Network and the opportunity for a balanced and established role by the MAECI itself.

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As part of the actions planned in Step 7 of the Anna Lindh Foundation for National Networks, a session of activity devoted to the development of capacity and cooperation within and outside the network was held.
There were 48 members - of which 44 were members of the "Anna Lindh Italia Federation", 2 members of the RIDE and 2 of the Italian Network alone - from various Italian regions who presented 30 projects with examples of good practice, some of which were funded by the Foundation Anna Lindh through a special call of proposal.
At the end of the work, divided into two groups, the members defined future strategies and programs and also adopted the priority action of the "Anna Lindh Italia Onlus Federation" on the topic "The Intercultural City". members' potential and examples of good practice that this action intends to collect, in particular with regard to "Relational Spaces in Cities", "Intelligent Bioterrorism", "Recovering Territorial Identities", "Good Practice Laboratories "Youth Education in Peace", "Education of the Youth of Peace", "Education for the Religion of the Other (Reforming Education)," Retention and Training on Old Trades " , "Training of migrants and their integration into societies", promotion of "active and responsible Citizenship", "Conflict Management" Non-formal education ", support for" Youth as a tool for dialogue in cities ", promotion of a" positive media literacy in cities ", the development of" Youth Entrepreneurship and Immigrants ", the enhancement of" Women "creative and solidarity enterprise", the promotion of the "Bank of Time and the Warmth of Reception", "Sustainable Publishing", the establishment of the "41st Councilor" for the representative of immigrant communities, identification of a city "Intercultural capital of young people" (at regional, national and mediterranean level) with a process identical to that for European Capital of Culture. "
This project was proposed to the "Maltese Network of the Anna Lindh Foundation", represented during the Assembly by the head of the lawyer, avv. Cynthia Tomasuolo, who shared the proposal, securing the support of the Government of Malta during its forthcoming European Council presidency.

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Meeting in Naples - at the end of the "Capacity Development" session - the Pilotage Comité of the Italian Network ALF with the task of redefining the calendar of General Assembly work and capacity building activities scheduled in Naples on 10 and 11 November 2016.
Eight members (Pica Ciamarra, Capozzi, De Angelis, Greek, Russian, Miceli, Cennamo, Cola Schiamo) participated on 9 with the addition of dr. Enrico Molinaro, legal representative of RIDE.
The latter announced the presence of Min.Pl. Enrico Granara and Khalid Chaouki at the assembly, asking to enter their interventions in the morning session.
The CdP has taken the utmost account, in keeping with the intensive calendar of projects and activities already planned.
The CdP made a first day's budget and the prof. Massimo Pica Ciamarra expressed his appreciation for the harmony and complementarity between the various members present.

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The first General Assembly of the "Anna Lindh Italia Onlus Federation" was held, consisting of representatives of over 600 Italian organizations and institutions engaged in dialogue, peace and international cooperation.
The "Federation" is part of the Italian Network of the "Anna Lindh Foundation" - based in Alexandria - to which it contributes members' contribution in cultural and operational terms.
At the General Assembly were 53 members representing 460 bodies and institutions.
On this occasion, the conclusions of the MED FORUM Alf of Malta (23-25 October 2015) were analyzed, on the basis of which the most significant projects being implemented by the members were presented and the project "The Intercultural City" with a presentation of "The City of Dialogue" by prof. Massimo Pica Ciamarra.
At the conclusion of the work was decided to:

  • To propose the project "Intercultural City" to the General Assembly of the Italian Network ALF with the involvement of all the members concerned.
  • Include in the "Intercultural City" project the competences and capabilities of the various members of the "Federation" arising from the Assembly.
  • Request to the Assembly of Founding Members of the Federation, which will take place in Florence on 14 and 15 November, to put in place all the initiatives to enhance the work of the Network and present it to the main institutions of reference.

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The "Fondazione Mediterraneo" and the "Anna Lindh Italia Federation" participated with their respective delegations at the World Conference on Climate Change organized by the UN, the WHO and other institutions.
"The Paris Accord adopted December 12, 2015 - said President Capasso - marks the beginning of a new era on global response to climate change. The world has defined initial contributions by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and has proposed a mechanism to monitor these reductions: national governments now have the ratification process. "
The Agreement has a focus on public and environmental health, given that countries are engaging in serious implications for human health and well-being. In particular, the Paris Accord explicitly recognizes the importance of a health-based approach in the context of climate action. This approach to health produces a number of consequences such as access to safe and potable water supplies, adequate hygiene, adequate nutrition, healthy working environment, and adequate housing. A law-based approach will be crucial to ensuring that climate action promotes and protects human health, dignity and well-being in agreement with fundamental human rights obligations.
The Marrakech Conference is a key milestone in this process.
Among the Italian participants, the DG for International Cooperation Ambassador Pietro Sebastiani and the President of the Puglia Emiliano Region.

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