26 January 2017
President Michele Capasso, Vice-President Caterina Arcidiacono, the members of the Board of Directors and the International Scientific Committee, the representatives of the autonomous Sections and of the branch offices, express their deep condolences for the death of the lawyer Gerardo Marotta: President of the Italian Institute for Philosophical Studies and founder member of the Fondazione Mediterraneo.
From the beginning of the Foundation's activities - born at the Italian Institute for Philosophical Studies - a deep collaboration was born based on common ideals: from Appelli per la Pace to the Manifesto for the United States of Europe.
A unique common heritage made up of initiatives, publications, events, conferences: the great testimony of a man's vision, Gerardo, who knew how to bring Naples back to the World and the World in Naples under the sign of Philosophy, High Culture, dedication to the Common Good.
21 January 2017
It was held in Naples, in the Church of St. Joseph in Via Medina - just a stone's throw from the Museum of Peace - MAMT and where Don Bosco celebrated his only Mass in the South of Italy, on March 30,1880 - the "Annual vigil of prayer" for Don Bosco, presided over by Fr Pasquale Cristiani, inspector for the Southern Italy of the Salesians, and organized by Fr Fabio Bellino, delegate to youth pastoral care.
Many young people from the various Orators (Terzigno, Potenza, etc.) intervened to reaffirm the spirit of Don Bosco.
This event has an important value because it opens the path that will see the celebration of the Holy Mass at the Museum of Peace on January 31,2017 (the feast day of St. Peter's Day).Giovanni Bosco) and the inauguration of the museum section - the title of which is "DON BOSCO, THE POWER OF LOVE" - created by the Fondazione Mediterraneo and the General Direction of Salesians in collaboration with the South Province planned for 17 February 2017, with the participation of the Rector Major Don ÁNGEL FERNANDEZ ARTIME.
21 January 2017
At the conclusion of the "Annual vigil of prayer for Don Bosco", the young people of the Orators gathered in Piazza Municipio in front of the Museum of Peace - MAMT for the exhibitions of the various Orators and for the hymn of the young people of Don Bosco.
On this occasion Don Pasquale Cristiani, inspector for the southern Italy of the Salesians, and Fr Fabio Bellino, delegate to the youth ministry, announced the next opening of the section of the Museum of Peace dedicated to "DON BOSCO, THE POWER OF LOVE".
20 January 2017
The spirit of Don Bosco and the Salesians present in 132 countries of the world is renewed in the "Virtual Salesian Oratory" of the Museum of Peace - Mamt: a unique and fascinating experience through 12 emotional paths with the chapel dedicated to the "Saint of the Young".
The "Salesian Oratory virtual" includes videos, images, music, multimedia links and other hypertextual instruments with high technology 4k and aims to spread Don Bosco's work through a multimedia hub that contains the essential moments of the action carried out by Salesians in every part of the world: appreciated on several occasions by Pope Francis and unanimously recognized, especially by those who have lived the educational, human and social experience of the "Saint of the young".
The museum section - the title of which is "DON BOSCO, THE POWER OF LOVE" - is realized by the Fondazione Mediterraneo and the General Direction of Salesians in collaboration with the Southern Province.
Don Pasquale Cristiani, inspector for the southern Italy of the Salesians, and Don Fabio Bellino, delegate to youth pastoral care, completed the emotional videos under the direction of President Michele Capasso.
The opening is scheduled for February 17,2017 and will be attended by the Rector Major Don ÁNGEL FERNANDEZ ARTIME.
19 January 2017
The Museum of Peace - MAMT, during a meeting with architects from various countries, presented the ERCO and the lighting system realized at the Museum, illustrating the savings and the high quality of the intervention.
19 January 2017
The presidents of some professional orders in Naples visited the Museum of Peace - MAMT expressing their appreciation for "a unique place full of emotions".
19 January 2017
The Fondazione Mediterraneo with the Order of Architects of Naples organized a meeting of studies on Bioarchitecture.
The occasion is twenty-two years since the first issue of the magazine of Bioarchitecture, born in Bolzano from the need to have "a deeper breath, a broader perspective that looked at man without losing sight of nature, materials, the psychology of living".
State-of-the-art topics in 1994 have become an integral part of the design culture today. Although we are all aware of the need for a systemic and humane approach to building, the technique has taken our hands on us, sometimes far removed from the original intentions.
Issue 100 of the magazine is an opportunity to pick up the threads of the right building by improving competition, legislative and institutional tools.
19 January 2017
During a meeting with architects from Campania - organized by the Architects' Association of Naples and the Fondazione Mediterraneo - the Federazione Anna Lindh Italia Onlus presented the project "Intercultural City".
Prof. Massimo Pica Ciamarra illustrated the salient points underlining the importance of this action in this particular historical moment and thanks to which cities will be able to produce places for the meeting.
17 January 2017
The special TG3 Campania dedicated to the Museum of Peace - MAMT.
16 January 2017
The Fondazione Mediterraneo held the 100th international conference on the theme of Islàm, today more than ever topical.
In more than 25 years - said President Capasso - the Foundation has been characterized by the attention paid to the Islàm theme, as evidenced by the hundred conferences held: from the Forum of 1997 with over 2,000 participants in the programme "Mediterranean, Europe, Islàm: actors in dialogue" coordinated by Prof. John Esposìto. An important experience that is presented today in the emotional path of the Museum of Peace - MAMT entitled Un Mare, tre Fedi, dedicated to the three monotheistic religions. I would like to thank Corriere della Sera for having published the interviews of the main participants who today allow us to review the main stages of the programme ".