The "Fondazione Mediterraneo" and the "Anna Lindh Italia Federation" participated with their respective delegations at the World Conference on Climate Change organized by the UN, the WHO and other institutions.
"The Paris Accord adopted December 12, 2015 - said President Capasso - marks the beginning of a new era on global response to climate change. The world has defined initial contributions by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and has proposed a mechanism to monitor these reductions: national governments now have the ratification process. "
The Agreement has a focus on public and environmental health, given that countries are engaging in serious implications for human health and well-being. In particular, the Paris Accord explicitly recognizes the importance of a health-based approach in the context of climate action. This approach to health produces a number of consequences such as access to safe and potable water supplies, adequate hygiene, adequate nutrition, healthy working environment, and adequate housing. A law-based approach will be crucial to ensuring that climate action promotes and protects human health, dignity and well-being in agreement with fundamental human rights obligations.
The Marrakech Conference is a key milestone in this process.
Among the Italian participants, the DG for International Cooperation Ambassador Pietro Sebastiani and the President of the Puglia Emiliano Region.