La Fondazione Anna Lindh ha lanciato lo schema - con tutti i documenti relativi - concernenti le Azioni Comuni per lo Step 5.


Anna Lindh Foundation
Network Strategic Development Scheme (NSDS)
Step 5 – Common Actions

Call for Applications now open!

In the framework of the NSDS Programme, the Anna Lindh Foundation has the pleasure to open a Call for Applications for Common Actions for members of your Network.

What is the Network Strategic Development Scheme?
The Network Strategic Development Scheme (NSDS) is a mechanism designed by the Foundation to support the Networks in their mission by entrusting member organisations the conception and implementation of actions at national and local level.

What is a Common Action?
Common Actions can be defined as a single activity or as a programme of several actions built upon the social and cultural diversity specific to each country and implemented by a consortium (partnership) of members from the same ALF National Network.
A common action can be: a festival, an artistic event and production; a publication; an exchange scheme; an awareness raising/advocacy campaign; a training/ capacity building activity; production of a toolkit; a roundtable, a conference, a seminar, a workshops or a Forum.

Who can apply?
In order to be eligible to apply, the  Common Action Leader must be a member of one of the 42 ALF National Networks; and must build a “consortium” (partnership) by involving a minimum number of 15 member organisations of the same ALF Network in the design and implementation of the proposed Common Action.

Size of grant/Budget:
25,000 EUR
In principle, and based on the resources available, the ALF Secretariat intends to finance one Common Action in each country.

Duration of implementation:
Start of Common Action activities (and eligibility of costs): 15 June 2012
Deadline for Reporting (narrative and financial): 31 July 2013

Deadline to apply:
Deadline to receive applications is Tuesday 15 May 2012 at 16:00 Egyptian Time.
The application package including Application Form and Budget should be sent by email (in Word and Excel format respectively) to the following address: Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo..

More information:
For more information please read the attached Guidelines. Should you have any requests for clarifications, please contact us at Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo..

1) Common Actions Guidelines
2) Application Form (Annex 1)
3) Budget Form (Annex 2)