The "Totem for Peace" is a trademark duly filed in accordance with the regulations. Therefore, any initiatives undertaken by third parties using that trademark or the word "Totem for Peace" in any context and for whatever purpose, it integrates to all intents and purposes the case of trademark infringement.

The "Totem of Peace", the work of the Turin sculptor Mario Molinari, is the symbol of the "United States of the World" and represents the Peace: it was chosen in 1997 by 3,000 representatives of 181 countries and since then the "United States of the World" with the "Fondazione Mediterraneo" are spreading this universal symbol by setting up the network of "Cities for Peace".
The sculptor Mario Molinari was an artist of clear fame, sensitive to the themes of peace and dialogue between cultures, as evidenced by his numerous works and his life.
The cultural project of the "Totem of Peace" is carried out in the world by Michele Capasso: dedicated, since 1987, to the construction of dialogue as a tool for the mediation of conflicts, he combines his international experience of social and intercultural planning and planning with the professional one of architect and engineer.
Many countries have created the monumental work symbolising peace and coexistence between different peoples. Among the main ones are:


The sail that symbolizes the journey, the sea. This “Mare Nostrum” of ​​Ours which was the cradle of civilization, the scene of clashes and battles between the people who inhabited it but also and above all of the exchange of goods and knowledge. A sea celebrated in myth where Ulysses got lost, continuing to wander in his desperate search for his way back. The sail that turns red, at dawn and dusk, at departure and return in the immutable rhythm of the Universe .


One-hundred fifty years of history. One century and half spent helping, rescue and save human lives. The General Captain Admiral celebrated this event through events held all over the country. The event held in Naples was really impressive and was lead by Admiral Antonio Basile, maritime director for Campania region: the square before the Maritime Station will named “Coast Guard Square”, in memorial off all the militaries dead in duty and in celebration of the continue engagement of the Army.
In the middle of the square Fondazione Mediterraneo donated to the Army of Port Captaincy- Coast Guard, in occasion of its 150° anniversary, the “Totem of Peace” by Molinari sculptor and which contains the urn of unknown Migrant, and donated also the “Mediterranean Award” for the indefatigable work of help and safeguard of human lives.
The president Capasso, in a message send to Admiral Angrisano and Admiral Basile affirmed to be flattered and proud to have given his support in order to spread the values of the Army and its noble mission.

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In occasion of the “Mediterranean Award for Poetry and Innovation 2015” attributed to him, Mana Saeed Al-Otaiba was gifted by the Mario Molinari Totem of Peace.
Expressing his gratitude and emotion, To - Otaiba welcomed Pia and Jacopo Molinari in its house of Marrakech being proud for the speech gived by Pia Molinari about his poetical work, in occasion of award ceremony.
In this occasion Jacopo Molinari gifted the artist with the volume on the work of Mario Molinari.

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The president Michele Capasso along with the “Ambassadors of Peace” paid homage to the “Totem of Peace with the urn of Unknown Migrant” in the Maritime Station of Naples.
“The Totem of Peace is an universal symbol and Casale di Principe is proud to host in the next few months this important artwork of the artist Molinari: it will be dedicated to Don Peppe Diana and all the victims of mafia”.
The guys of the project “The Ambassadors of the Rebirth” expressed their approval for the artwork and commemorated the migrants who lost their lives in the Mediterranean and deposed flowers on the monument.

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In October; homage paid at monument at maritime station.

(ANSAmed) - NAPLES - Eight heads of state and government will on October 3 pay homage to the Unknown Migrant at a monument in Naples. The announcement was made by Fondazione Mediterraneo president Michele Capasso. In recent days Capasso received Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean (PAM) secretary-general Sergio Piazzi, who paid a tribute to the monument located in the city's maritime station. The monument that commemorates the continuing tragedies of migrants who die trying to cross the Mediterranean received praise from EU MPs on the choice of location for its ''symbolic importance, as it is from the square facing the Naples maritime station that millions of people departed last century for a better future''. Piazzi put in the urn at the monument a document attesting to the participation and patronage of the initiative. The plan for the monument, notes a statement from Fondazione Mediterraneo, was presented during the PAM plenary session in Palermo on October 29, 2011. The announcement was then made of a ''Day Dedicated to the Unknown Migrant'' on October 3, approved by the Chamber of Deputies. It is to pay tribute to the memory of the migrants that on July 2, 2014, Fondazione Mediterraneo's international committee (which has PAM observer status) decided to dedicate to them the 'Totem of Peace' containing the remains of the Unknown Migrant. The work by the sculptor Mario Molinari was placed in the square in front of the maritime station of the Naples port. Fondazione Mediterraneo gave the work to the Coast Guard of the port authorities for the 150th anniversary of their founding (1865-2015) to acknowledge the work of the 11,000 men and women who risk their lives every day to rescue the migrants whose boats capsized. The urn with the remains from Lampedusa was made of wood from the boats used by the migrants, the same as was used for the altar at which Pope Francis officiated over mass on the island. It was put in the ''Totem of Peace by Lampedusa Coast Guard commander Giuseppe Cannarile as an act of solidarity towards the victims by Coast Guard personnel.

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The foreseen tragedy happened in the Mediterranean, which caused the death of more than 700 people who are going to be added to an already long list, has been the topic faced by an extraordinary meeting of the Board of Fondazione Mediterraneo, which is engaged for 25 years in actions of solidarity and peace and which always focused the attention on the migrants problems and the need of a more concrete involvement  by international organs.
This action was already suggested in Lampedusa in 2013, with a promise to Francis Pope: give back dignity to all the people who risk their lives searching for freedom and peace.
The “Monument with the urn of Unknown Migrant”, installed in Naples , is a sign of awareness toward these topics.
The members of the Fondazione made an appeal to President Renzi and European leaders.
The text of the appeal is:
“The bodies without life floating in the sea before our eyes must upset our consciences. These 700 people dead today (the more important tragedy for number of people dead) are going to be added to the thousand of migrants missed in the last years, to the millions of people transferred or exiled in search of dignity and peace: "urbancide" and "memorycide" are perpetrated in so many villages; many lives have been lost forever.
Human sufference mustn’t be replied by words as “I don’t care”: the globalization of indifference, the deny of solidarity, the euthanasia of hope, the dead of brotherhood shouldn’t be part of our culture, because these things kill more than the massacres. The international community should take awareness of the existence of a new nation: that one of migrants, refugees, asylum seekers.
A state without territory, without government, rules, rather a state made by people who need to have a safeguard dignity. Such dignity has been trampled on, annulled, humiliated by wars and desperation.
The protagonists of this Calvary so often don’t have name: there are so many Ahmed, Najlaa, Sumaya, Omar, Mohammed, Abdullah, Fatima and more and more, coming from  different countries and trying to run away from wars, attacks, injustices, hunger, epidemics, human miseries…
Brutality and barbarism shouldn’t be fed by indifference, idleness and negligence.
Let’s throw once again a bottle in our sea, with a common appeal addressed to the remains of our human conscience and we are addressing to You, Leaders of the Europe and the World, a warm appeal: YOU MUST ACT, even if you have not to take in account “Bureaucracy”, in order to set up a strong and clear action which could  aiming at

  1. The organization of an European meeting including also Onu in order to find solutions to stop the death  who transformed Our Sea in a cemetery, also through an European migration law based upon rights and duties and upon the number of migrants in Europe and not only in Italy
  2. The creation of  reception centres in transit territories
  3. The resolution of Libyan situation with a program of country stabilization
  4. The promotion of bilateral agreements between concerned countries


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