More than 25,000 foreign minors crossed the sea alone to reach Italy in 2016, more than twice as many as in 2015: record year of landings in the Mediterranean and year of severe crisis in Europe in relation to the large flows of refugees and asylum seekers from the Middle East and Africa.
The conference, organized by the "Salesians for Social Affairs", by the association "Piccoli Passi Grandi Sogni Onlus" - in collaboration with the Fondazione Mediterraneo and the Museo della Pace - aims to give a perception of the complexity of the phenomenon, to enhance the good practices so far expressed towards unaccompanied foreign minors and to identify a strategy that allows to face the phenomenon in a concrete way.
More than 200 social workers and employees have confronted each other in the debate with the speeches of:
Michele Capasso, President of the Fondazione Mediterraneo;
Don Antonio Carbone, SDB, Chairman of "Piccoli Passi Grandi Sogni Onlus";
Giuseppe Acocella, Professor Federico II University of Naples;
Lavinia Bianchi, University of Rome Three
Barbara Trupiano, Naples City Council executive for policies for children and adolescence.