“The clouds were covering the sky left space to a dazzling sun. It seeps in the little coffins which contain the remains of people identified in the last year, after a twenty years of unbelievable suffering. This is the bleeding pain which we must not forget…”.
These were the touching words pronounced by Michele Capasso, coming back in the city for which dedicated much part of his life through solidarity initiatives done thanks to the establishment of Fondazione Mediterraneo.
The commemoration of the twenty years since the slaughter of Srebrenica were held at memorial of Potocari, which hosts the rest of 8 thousand of Muslim killed in the July of 1995 by Serbian forces lead by general Ratko Mladic’.
Policemen covered with plastic coated tape the area interdicted to the people and pushed the cars to the garden before the area, which has been used as a parking area for the occasion. Journalists coming from all over the world parked their cars with dishes before the entrance and the road  from Bratunac to Srebrenica – where in the middle of the road takes place the memorial – -was particulary crowded. Joined the event at least 50 thousand people. 10 thousand people joined to the “Peace Parade” started on Tuesday in Nezuk city, between the river Tuzla and Drina which marks the Serbian – Bosniac border. In three days the volunteers "Marš Mira" walked from the end to the beginning that “death track” which in the summer of 1995 was done by Muslim refugees which were running away from violence and terror in Srebrenica area.
Joined the event ministries, leader and political exponents, ministries and leader from several Countries. Among others joined the event the USA president Bill Clinton, the former State secretary Madeleine Albright (which was very touched by the meeting with Srebrenica ), and the exponents of foreign affairs and EU security, Federica Mogherini. Joined from Italy the president of Chamber Laura Boldrini who affirmed the importance of peace values. Joined the event all the delagations of the region: Slovenia, Macedonia, Croatia and  Montenegro.
The Serbian prime minister Aleksandar Vucic’ in the aftermath of the rejection of ONU decision about Srebrenica slaughter (due to the veto of Russia) joined the ceremony but was kicked with violence by people.
The president Capasso talked about the twenty years of Fondazione and the initiatives done by the Fondazione Mediterraneo in favor of ex Jugoslavia: since the Appeal of 1994 in order to save Srebrenica to the other aid campaigns.