In the 22nd anniversary of the Srebrenica massacre, thousands of people gathered in the Potocari memorial cemetery, near Srebrenica, to pay homage to the 8,372 victims of the genocide committed in 1995 by the Bosnian Serbs of Ratko Mladic, and to participate at the funeral of another 71 victims identified in the last year. 5,000 participants in the March of Peace arrived in Potocari. Of the 71 victims buried this year alongside the 6,504 existing graves, there are also seven minors: the youngest is Damir Suljic, who was killed only 15 years, while the oldest is Alija Salihovic, 72 years old.
The 6,662 victims of the genocide so far identified with the DNA method, of which 233 at the behest of the families are not buried in Potocari, were found in 81 mass graves. We are still looking for the remains of 1,100 victims of the genocide officially considered 'missing'.
The Fondazione Mediterraneo, founded precisely to help these innocent victims, appeals to the world to prevent genocide of this kind from occurring again.