Complete Lest || of events

The Annual Conference of the EuroMediterranean Study Commission (Euro-Mediterranean Network) was held in Barcelona, made up of 106 research institutes on international politics: among them the Fondazione Mediterraneo, which was one of the network's creators in 1996 and which today is among the top 10 networks in the world for Tink-Tank on political and security issues.
Euromesque members, representatives of the European Union and the Union for the Mediterranean and international experts participated.
In his speech, President Capasso stressed the need for a multidisciplinary analysis on the complex causes of violent extremism in the Euro-Mediterranean region and the urgent need to counter populism and authoritarianism by affirming the value of cultural diversity and access to culture as a fundamental right of the human person.

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President Capasso had a cordial meeting with Delphine Borione, deputy general secretary of the UfM. The various themes linked to the 42 Euro-Mediterranean countries belonging to the UPM have been analysed and, in particular, the role of women and young people in countering populism and authoritarianism, which constitute a food for violent extremism that is causing bloodshed in many countries.
President Capasso proposed to create a multimedia information space on the activities of the UPM and the ENI-CBC MED programme in special spaces of the Museum of Peace - MAMT in Naples.

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The General Assembly of the EUROMESCO Network was held in Barcelona, preceded by the meeting of the Executive Committee. On this occasion, the activities planned and the various crises spread throughout the world were analysed.
President Capasso - one of the founders of the international study network - stressed the need to help young researchers and restore trust and hope to young people.

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Bichara Khader, President of the Euromesco Assembly, at the end of the welcome lunch, paid tribute to Ambassador Senen Florensa, who had led the IEMED and the EuroMesco Executive Committee for the past 11 years.
The Ambassador Florensa from next September will be the Consul General of Spain in Rome.
President Capasso recalled the thirty years of friendship with Senen Florensa and the main joint initiatives that he had undertaken.

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