Complete Lest || of events

Luca Palazzo, an expert of the ENI CBC Med Programme Management Authority, assigned for some time to the Sardinia Region, explained the main points of the new programme and the forthcoming calls dedicated to standard projects.
On this occasion he presented the various stages of the programme's presentation in the partner countries held or planned in Nicosia, Athens, Valencia, Malta, Lisbon, Marseilles, Amman, Beirut, Rome, Cairo, Tuisi, Jerusalem and Ramallah.
The aim of these meetings is to provide potential partners with all the information necessary for the submission of project proposals under the first call, which amounts to € 84.6 million. The following points are discussed and examined:

  • Objectives and priorities of the “call”;
  • Participation and eligibility rules;
  • Evaluation criteria for project proposals;
  • Complete the application form and other documents that make up the offer.

By participating in these events, you have the opportunity to ask questions to representatives of programme management structures and national authorities.
In a meeting with President Capasso, the proposal of the Fondazione Mediterraneo to spread the programme with its networks in order to strengthen its participation and promote it in the Museum of Peace - MAMT through video and multimedia communication systems was analyzed.

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After almost 30 years of activity, the Fondazione Mediterraneo becomes for two days the hub of the main community programmes: from the Union for the Mediterranean to Horizon2020, from Panoramed to Interreg, from ENI CBC Med to Erasmus and, for a long list, the results of the main programmes are presented in the headquarters of the Fondazione Mediterraneo but, above all, the guidelines of the forthcoming calls.
Appreciation of the participants for the continuity and quality of the Foundation's work to promote dialogue and cooperation between peoples.

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Apostolos Katsifaras, President of the Dytiki Ellada region and President of the CPMR Intermediterranean Commission, visited the Fondazione Mediterraneo, welcomed by President Michele Capasso and other members of the association.
Katsifaras spoke beautiful words about the Foundation and called it "An oasis of values, an oxygen bottle for the citizens of Europe and the Mediterranean. A beacon of hope on the common issues of solidarity, dialogue, mutual respect, living and existing together ".

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The Fondazione Mediterraneo and the Museum of Peace - MAMT hosted the General Assembly of the CPMR Intermediterranean Commission (Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions).
The important challenges of this historic moment for Europe oblige the Regions to take a number of positions, because what is happening is certainly a renationalisation of policies that does not always adequately take into account the impact on territories. The situation in the Mediterranean has had a huge impact on the distance between citizens and Europe. And the CPMR's role at this time is strategic.
Delegates from 60 European and Mediterranean regions attended.
Apostolos Katsifaras, President of the Dytiki Ellada region and President of the CPMR Intermediterranean Commission, said in his address of greeting that he felt at home here - Fondazione Mediterraneo - which saw the birth of many international organisations and hosted meetings of the CPMR and the IMC. Deep emotion expressed on the links between Raffaele Capasso and Andreas Papandreou represented in the section of the Peace Museum - MAMT.
Serena Angioli, Councillor of Campania for the European Funds, Youth, European Cooperation and the Mediterranean Basin, said:"This two days was a first opportunity to discuss the prospects opened up also for the Regions by the European Strategy of the Western Mediterranean, the challenges that weigh on the future of European cohesion policy and on multilevel cooperation in the Mediterranean Basin that these days, in the face of the great challenge of migration phenomena, acquires a strategic importance also with respect to the world Sub The IMC moves on two levels: one political, i. e. positioning itself in relation to political decision-makers at other levels of government, the other through the implementation of projects between regions and territories that create de facto cohesive. Therefore, a major post-2020 challenge for the Regions of the so-called' southern shore' of Europe".
President Michele Capasso in his speech presented the "Kimyya" project of the Italian FAL Network and illustrated the FAL Documentation Centre, welcoming the quotation in the Final Declaration by the participants in the Assembly.

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