Complete Lest || of events

On the occasion of President Giorgio Napolitano’s visit to the Officine Grandi Riparazioni for the 150th  Anniversary of the Italian Unity,  the Fondazione  Mediterraneo  has presented the Tricolored Totem for Peace  that will be unveiled in Turin on 4 May, as a  symbol of peace to celebrate the Unity. The initiative has been unanimously appreciated by Prefect  Manzo and other authorities.

The Tricolored Totem for Peace is an initiative promoted by Fondazione Mediterraneo in cooperation with the Municipality and Province of Turin.

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“Through the works which adorn the Palace at Venaria we want the visitor to enter into the multifaceted brilliant beauty of the country: an exciting, awe inspiring and emotional voyage, like all voyages in Italy”.

This is the phrase on the panel at the entrance of the exhibition “Bella Italia” with more than 350 artworks from the museums of Italy and the world, as well as private collections, which tell the identity of the main Italian “capitals of culture”.

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The President of the Fondazione Mediterraneo Capasso intervened with the Assessor Alfieri, the Assessor Perone and other authorities at the inauguration of the restored Palazzo Madama. The architect Diego Ghettello and his team from the Royal Theatre have scrupulously rebuilt the hall of Palazzo Madama which in itself contains all the history of the city of Turin: from Porta Romana, in Medieval times it transformed into a fort; in 1400 it became the Castle of the Acaya Princes, while in the 19th century Carlo Alberto added the Royal Art Gallery and the first Senate of the Kingdom.

“It is an emotional historical moment - President Capasso stated - because it is a trip in the history which constituted the foundation for the future of Italy, based on its Unification.”

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Together with the Reggia di Venaria Reale the other reference point of the Officine Grandi Riparazioni: from March to November 2011 Italy is here in 22 thousand square metres of history and the future.

Three large exhibitions are presented: the first “Being Italian 1961-2011” is a surprising multimedia  presentation in an area of 10 thousand square metres where the protagonists are the Italians, with their traditions and the force of their unified history; the second exhibition is called “Future station” and is a voyage through ideas and projects which shall change people’s lives in the next few years; the third exhibition is entitled “The future in their hands” and is a laboratory which gets to the heart of Italian creativity.

President Capasso with the pro-rector of the University of Turin Coluccia and the Assessor Alfieri followed the itinerary of this fascinating voyage.

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