Complete Lest || of events


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Marrakesh, 22nd October 1999 Inaugural Lecture of the 1999 – 2000 Programme of the “Chaire Averroès” CHAIRE UNESCO d’Etudes Méditerranéennes
Marrakech, 17th June 2000 Chaire Averroès d’Etudes Méditerranéennes and Visit to the South Shore Office of Accademia del Mediterraneo
Marrakesh, 23rd November 2000 Inaugural Lecture of the 2000-2001 Programme of “Chaire Averroès” CHAIRE UNESCO d’Etudes Méditerranéennes
Marrakesh, 22nd November 2001 Inaugural Lecture of the 2001-2002 Programme of the “Chaire Averroès” CHAIRE UNESCO d’Etudes Méditerranéennes
Marrakech, 11th December 2002 Inaugural Lecture of the 2002-2003 Programme of Chaire Averroès
Marrakech, 22nd November 2003 Leçon inaugurale du Programme 2003–2004 de la Chaire Averroès
Chaire UNESCO d’Etudes Méditerranéennes
Marrakech, 9th December 2003 Lecture by professor M´hammed Boucetta "Responsabilités de la femme dans l´édification du Maroc moderne"
Marrakech, 18th December 2003 Lecture by Professor Gisèle Halimi « Femmes, culture et démocratie »
Marrakech, 29th January 2004 Lecture by Professor Jean Jacques Wunenburger « Réflexions sur l’imaginaire de l’atmosphère du monde méditerranéen »
Marrakech, 4th March 2004 Lecture by Professor Jean Ferrari « Civilisation, paix et développement en méditerranée »
Marrakech, 15th March 2004 Lecture by Professor Monique Chemillier-Gendreau « Rôle des femmes et menaces sur la paix autour de la méditerranée »
Marrakech, 16th April 2004 Lecture by Professor Rahma Bourquia « Femme et Pouvoir de la Culture »
Marrakech, 14th May 2004 Lecture by Professor Aziza Bennani « Femmes : Agent de développement »
Marrakech, 21st May 2004 Lecture by Professor Abdoui Filali-Ansari « Conscience historique et changement social »
Rabat, 27th September 2004 Re-launching the Chaire Averroès and Marrakech Seat
Marrakech, 29th April 2005 Chaire Averroès- Lecture by Abdelkabir Khatibi
Marrakech, 10th February 2006 Chaire Averroès: Lecture by Mohamed Tozy
Marrakech, 2nd March 2006 Chaire Averroès: Lecture by Mohamed Rachdi
Marrakech, 28th April 2006 Chaire Averroès: Lecture by Tahar Benjelloun
Marrakech, 24th January 2007 Chaire Averroès: First lecture “Women’s role in the making of the Euro Mediterranean dialogue” by Wassyla Tamzali
Marrakech, 9th March 2007 Chaire Averroès: Second lecture “The Greater Mediterranean” by Michele Capasso
Marrakech, 22th March 2007 Chaire Averroés: 3rd Lecture "Transition to democracy. The case of Spain" by Carmen Romero Lopez
Marrakech, 3rd May 2007 Chaire Averroès : IV Conference “The paths of human rights for problem solving” - Amina Bouayach
Marrakech, 14th March 2008 Chaire Averroès: Inaugural Conference “A Moroccan lesson for the Alliance of Civilizations” - André Azoulay
Marrakech, 25th April 2008 Chaire Averroès: Conference with Khalid Naciri
Marrakech, 5th May 2008 Chaire Averroès: Conference with Thomas R. Kämmerer
Marrakesh, 15th January 2009 Chaire Averroès: Inaugural Conference of the 10th Edition with Rachid Belmokhtar
Marrakesh, 12th March 2009 Chaire Averroès: 2nd Conference of the 10th Edition with Ahmed Abbadi
Marrakesh, 7th April 2009 Chaire Averroès: 3rd Conference of the 10th Edition with Mohammed Arkoun
Marrakesh, 4th June 2009 Chaire Averroès: 4th Conference of the 10th Edition with Michele Capasso
Marrakech, 2nd June 2010 Chaire Averroès: Inaugural Conference of the 11th Edition with Albert Jacquard


The president of Fondazione Mediterraneo Michele Capasso handed over to the mayor of Naples Luigi de Magistris the “ Tricolour Totem of Peace” by the sculptor Mario Molinari, expressly made for the president of the Italian Republic Giorgio Napolitano on the occasion of the 150th  Anniversary of the Unification of Italy.
The “Totem of Peace” was symbolically handed over by the President of the Province of Turin Antonio Saitta, by the ambassador of Palestine to the European Union  Leila Shahid and by the Councillor of Moroccan Prime Minister Driss Guerraoui.
President Saitta sent a letter for the  occasion.
The Totem will be given to the President of the Republic Giorgio Napolitano.

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The President of the Republic Giorgio Napolitano participated in Turin to the party for the 150 years of the Italian Army. The Minister for Defence La Russa and the most important military, civil and religious representatives also attended the ceremony.

For the occasion the Fondazione Mediterraneo, together with the Province and the Municipality of Turino, inaugurated the biggest "tricolore" ever realized in Italy: an artwork by sculptor Mario Molinari.

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The concrete base for the artwork "Tricolored Totem for Peace" by the Italian sculptor Mario Molinari, has been completed in less than 10 days by Scarparo Costruzioni srl. The work will be inaugurated in Turin next 4th of May, as a symbol of Peace and Unity.

The "Tricolored Totem for Peace" is an initiative by Fondazione Mediterraneo in collaboration with the Municipality and the Provincia of Turin.






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