Complete Lest || of events

to Corrado Perricone
Haematologist, former member of the Consiglio Superiore di Sanità and director of the Immunohaematology Service of the A.O.R.N. "Santobono Pausilipon Annunziata" - ITALY

For having devoted his life to the protection and respect of human life, dedicating his scientific and research activity to the solution of diseases, including rare ones.

Awarding Ceremony
Naples, 14 june 2021

Mediterranean Award for "Science and Research" - 2014
to CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique)

For its commitment – as a public research body – to producing knowledge and making it available to society for the “common good”. Thanks to its more than 1100 research institutes on French territory and its international partnerships, it has come to represent a point of reference in all its field of knowledge.

Awarding Ceremony

The "Mario Condorelli" Mediterranean Award for Science and Research

to the Moroccan Foundation for Advanced Science, 
Innovation and Research

For its commitment to carrying out concrete projects in the field of nanotechnology and for having successfully obtained third general biofuel from Moroccan seaweed.
This initiative has produced excellent results for industrial fuel both from an economic perspective and for the protection of the environment.

Awarding Ceremony
Naples, 06 January 2012

to the memory of MARIO CONDORELLI
Professor of Internal Medicine, former President of Consiglio Superiore di Sanità, ITALY

Author of more than seven hundred publications in the field of physiopathology, of clinics and therapy, as well as author of three treatises on cardiology, Mario Condorelli contributed to the diffusion of science and research as a basis element for the diagnosis and the cure of manifold pathologies, training an entire generation of doctors and cardiologists. As senator of the Italian Republic he has been proposer of bills for the safeguard of health and for the rights of sick people.

Awarding Ceremony
Naples, 20 May 2011

Ruggero Maria Santilli - 2009
Scientist and researcher, ITALY

The power of dialogue among different cultures and various sciences forges the protagonists of history. With this award we thank Ruggero Maria Santilli, samnite by origin, Italian‑American by education, flatly Mediterranean by soul, for his theoretic contribution to the new sciences and for his work through mathematics, physics and chemistry leading to the extraordinary postulates for the development of new technologies that allow an useful and sustainable development.

Awarding Ceremony
Naples, 22 January 2009


Antonio Iavarone - 2008
Scientist and Associate professor dell’Istituto per gli studi genetici sul cancro della Columbia University di New York, ITALY

He contributed to the fundamental research on the function of several proteins of the “ld” family in the stem cells and in cancer pathologies increasing the possibilities of cure especially for some typical pathologies of the South Shore of the Mediterranean. From the scientific point of view, it is a high value discovery which opens the possibility to re-program, among others, the nervous cells as a basis for the treatment of serious illnesses.

Awarding Ceremony
Naples, 5 November 2008


Marcello Piazza - 2004
Professor of Infectious Diseases, University Federico II, ITALY

For the work carried out in favour of the Euro-Mediterranean populations. His studies contributed to the reduction of B hepatitis in the world, one of the plague of humanity. He made possible to vaccinate against B hepatitis all the new borns: starting with Italy, the vaccinations are now executed in 151 Nations - including the Euro-Mediterranean area - thus reducing deaths caused by this decease.

Awarding Ceremony
Naples, 28 May 2004


Izet Sarajlic' - 1997

Izet Sarajlic’ is one of the greatest poets of the 20th century. He spent most of his life in Sarajevo, remaining also during the siege of the city: he stayed there until the end. He could leave the town but did not. He was the “voice of Sarajevo” and never ceased to write, though wondering if this might be useful anyway, after what had happened. He could do nothing else. The Fondazione Mediterraneo published “Il Libro degli Addii” (the Book of Farewells) and on the first copy, near to a drawing of a flower dedicated to Rita Allamprese Capasso. Izet wrote a single word: “Thanks”. By this Award we want to remember and thank a great poet for his teaching and his work, a man who showed us that literature in itself would not be enough. We should rather promote peace and mutual respect through positive actions.

Awarding Ceremony
Trieste, 25 January 1997


Abdulah Sidran - 1996

Sidran’s poetry has always dealt with strong concrete themes and with civic anxieties, giving rise to very effective representations of real life during the years of Sarajevo siege (1992 1995). In a situation of real and extreme danger for his city, its inhabitants and himself, Sidran went on working, loyal to Sarajevo and to its ancient habit to accept different religions, cultures, writings, traditions and languages.Sarajevo, a cosmopolitan city, a place where differences meet and are re-elaborated, is the heart of Sidran’s poetry. The secret of this town and of this poetry lies in the “endless tolerance” mentioned by Sidran in his writings.

Awarding Ceremony
Trieste, 20 January 1996


Premio Mediterraneo "Legalità"
a Antonio De Iesu
Questore di Napoli, ITALIA

Ad Antonio De Iesu per il suo impegno nell’affermare i valori della legalità e della giustizia sociale in un momento difficile della nostra storia. La sua esperienza operativa alla guida della Polizia di Stato in importanti città d’Italia ha forgiato il binomio “rigore - umanità” che è alla base del suo operare e che costituisce il tratto distintivo per la soluzione di difficoltà urbane e sociali, quali le “baby gang” che hanno turbato la già difficile coesistenza nella città di Napoli.
La sua lungimirante visione istituzionale unitamente alla conoscenza del territorio costituiscono una risorsa per poter controllare i fenomeni della criminalità a tutti i livelli assicurando sicurezza ai cittadini.

Awarding Ceremony
Naples, 14 may 2018

Catello Maresca and his Boys - 2018
Magistrate, ITALY

The award was assigned to Catello Maresca and his guys because he proves that there may be a different Naples that can give the chance to those who have none. His experience as a magistrate has fueled the belief that crime and the mafias can be fight also by helping the boys to be "hunters of the positive" and "producers of the future".

Awarding Ceremony
Naples, 05 May 2018
Paolo Borrometi - 2015
Giornalista (AGI), ITALIA

Paolo Borrometi, laureato in giurisprudenza, è giornalista dell’Agenzia Giornalistica Italia (AGI).
Da tempo Borrometi, per il suo impegno contro la criminalità organizzata, è costretto a vivere sotto scorta, con costanti e continue minacce.
Ha affrontato il tema delle infiltrazioni mafiose in una parte della Sicilia che si credeva essere una "isola felice": la provincia di Ragusa. Ha creato un organo di informazione indipendente - - contro tutte le mafie. Si è occupato di diversi casi scomodi che nessuno ha affrontato come i rapporti tra clan siciliani e calabresi.
Per questi motivi gli viene conferito il “Premio Mediterraneo Raffaele Capasso per la legalità 2015”.

Awarding Ceremony
San Marino, 16 july 2015

to the memory of Don Giuseppe Diana - 2014
Parroco, ITALY

Diana Joseph was born in Casal di Principe, near Aversa, from a family of landowners. Become ecclesiastical assistant of the Group Scout Aversa and later assistant to the sector Foulard White . Since September 19, 1989 pastor of the parish of St. Nicholas of Bari in Casal di Principe, his native country. Don Peppino Diana tries to help people in times made ​​difficult by the Camorra , in the years of absolute rule of the boss Francesco Schiavone, known as Sandokan .

At 7:25 March 19, 1994 , on his feast day , Giuseppe Diana is killed in the sacristy of the church of St. Nicholas of Bari in Casal di Principe, and is preparing to celebrate the holy mass. A killer confronts him with a gun : Don Peppe Diana died instantly. The murder , pure mold of the Camorra, a sensation throughout Italy. A message of condolence is pronounced by Pope John Paul II during the Angelus. The most well-known writing of Don Peppe Diana is the letter for the sake of my people will not keep silent, a document released at Christmas of 1991 in all the churches of Casal di Principe and Aversa: a manifesto commitment against the criminal system.

On 25 April 2006, in Casal di Principe, the Committee was officially born Don Peppe Diana in order to not forget the martyrdom of a priest who died for the sake of his people. It was established in 2003 thanks to organizations active in the social, including: Agesci Campania, associations Peace School Don Peppe Diana, Jerry Essan Masslo , Project Continents, Omnia non-profit organization, Legambiente and the cooperative social circle Ager Solesud non-profit organization. On the occasion of the twentieth anniversary of his death, the Mediterranean Foundation attributes this recognition to the memory of Father Giuseppe Diana and all the organizations of the Committee Don Peppe Diana.

Awarding Ceremony
Naples ,14 march 2014

Fondazione Antonino Caponnetto - 2013

For its activities in disseminating the principles of legality against any form of organized crime or criminal activity, especially in school and among young people.
The Fondazione Antonino Caponnetto continues to apply the principles adopted by the renowned judge throughout his life and work by promoting initiatives and publications focusing on young people and preparing them to become the protagonists of the future based on the principles of sobriety, solidarity and deeply rooted in legality at all levels of society.

Awarding Ceremony
Naples, 04 January 2013

Pietro Grasso - 2012
Head of the National Anti-Mafia Directorate

To Pietro Grasso for their continued commitment to life against the Mafia from his work as associate judge in the maxi trial instructed by Anthony Caponnetto, continued by his work as Chief Prosecutor of the Republic of Palermo, culminating in chairing the National Anti-Mafia Directorate and that led him to defend the legality of daily engaging in anti-mafia summits organized by the “Foundation Caponnetto”.

Awarding Ceremony
Gaeta, 04 February 2013

Don Luigi Ciotti - 2012
"Libera. Associazioni, nomi e numeri contro le mafie"

"Libera. Associazioni, nomi e numeri contro le mafie" (Free Associations, Names and Statistics against the Mafia) was established on 25 March 1995 with the aim of calling on civil society to combat the mafia and promote legality and justice. At present, Libero brings together more than 1600 associations, social groups and grass roots organizations committed to developing cultural and political and organizational synergies capable of disseminating a culture of legality. The laws on the social uses of property confiscated from the mafia, education in democratic lawfulness, the commitment to fighting corruption, the sectors for vocational training to combat mafias, projects for work and development and measures to combat usury are  just some of the commitments undertaken by Libera. Libera is recognized as an association that promotes social aims by the Ministry of Social Welfare. In 2008, Eurispes considered it one of Italy’s top organizations.
Don Luigi Ciotti, an anti-mafia activist, is the coordinator of Libera. His work aims to make the essential social and cultural progress required to eradicate mafia phenomena and every form of injustice, illegality and criminal activities.

Awarding Ceremony
Chieti, 21 november 2019

to the memory of Angelo Vassallo - 2010
Mayor of Pollica, ITALY

The first “Raffaele Capasso” Mediterranean Award for Legality has been granted to the memory of the mayor of Pollica Angelo Vassallo, barbarously killed on September 5 th 2010. This award means to remember the commitment of Angelo Vassallo who, by his work, was able to represent the force of comprehension with a message of nobility and courage in difficult areas.

Awarding Ceremony
San Sebastiano al Vesuvio, 18
September 2010

The titles of "Peace-Keeper" are attributed to all those who work for the realisation across the world of the Totems for Peace.

Naples 17 October 2010
Miralem Tursinović
Senada Sušić
Mirjana Stamenković Tursinović
Marija Ageljic
Kresimir Jolic
Bojan Stančević
Chen Alon
Aharon Segoly
Nouraldin Shehada
Seydi Fırat
Phil Maslen
Gerard Foster
Michael Culbert
William Mitchell
Robert Campbell

Naples 15 October 2010
Nando Morra

Naples 15 October 2010
Leonzio Borea

Roma 13 October 2010
Officers of the Italian Ministry of Foreign affairs

Pescasseroli 29 September 2010
L’Ape del Marsicano di Tatti Maria Giovanna
Bar dell’Orso di Gaetano Tarquinio
La Baita di Annarita Palleschi ed Ernesto Leopardi
Hotel Edelweiss di Gildo Beniamino
Giuseppe Del Principe
Domenico Roselli
Cesidia D’Arcangelo
Loreto Boccia
Argita Gizzi
Nino Saltarelli
Michele De Rubeis
Nino e Fiorella Rosica
Bruno e Carla Moscatello
Alfredo e Rita Tabacchiera
Duilio e Rossana Giorgio
Sindaco Nunzio Finamore
Assessore Ernesto Paolo Alba
Assessore Guglielmo Gentile
Vice Sindaco Italo Gallinelli
Assessore Gerardo Notarantonio
Albergo Ristorante Plistia di Simona Decina
Co.Ma.L. di Alfonso Berardini
Residence La Ginestra
Hotel Pagnani di Sergio Pagnani
Assifer Service s.r.l. di Chiara Grassi
Snow Tubing di Vincenzo e Claudio Vitale
Mariolina Morelli
Impresa F.lli D’Addario s.n.c. di Giacomo D’Addario
Hotel Bamby di Gerardo Finamore
Hotel Iris di Daniel Esposito
Hotel Garni Posta di Alessia Forti
Il Vecchio Forno di Agnese Gentile
Albergo Mon Repos di Antonio Decina
Albergo Ristorante Il Picchio di Giovanni Saltarelli
Ristorante A’Cavut di Roberto Decina
Hotel Sport Daniel di Laura e Pietro Roncuzzi
Hotel Paradiso di Geraldine Mac Carron
Bar Jurico di Sergio Del Principe
Banca di Credito Cooperativo di Roma Agenzia di Pescasseroli – direttore Augusto Pace
Consigliere Comunale Pietro Scarponi
Consigliere Comunale Gaetano Tarquinio
Consigliere Comunale Marco Grassi
Consigliere Comunale Virgilio Morisi
Consigliere Comunale Carmelo Giura
Consigliere Comunale Giovanni Saltarelli
Consigliere Comunale Luigi La Cesa
Consigliere Comunale Silvano Di Pirro
Segretario Comunale Antonella Marra
Massimiliano Mazzulli
Luigi Neri
Annino Di Pirro
Elia Finamore
Maria Decina
Anna Terrazzi
Maria Cocuzzi
Maria Rosaria Di Pirro
Luana Morisi
Modesto Neri
Davide Mucciante
Carmela D’Addezio
Michela Scaccia
Filomena Saltarelli
Filomena D’Addezio
Monia ed Elena Casale
Liberata Berardini
Mario Tudini
Anna e Daniela Nanni
Daniela Di Pirro e Sergio Amadei
Andrea Cutini
Enzo Cutini
Vincenzo La Cesa
Maria Gloria Neri
Carmelo Leone
Rocca Gallinelli
Pasquale Gallinelli
Gianna Miele e Maddalena Ursitti
Bruno e Loreto Pandolfi
Annino Finamore
Hotel Valle dell’Oro di Gerardo D’Addezio

Rutino 7 August 2010
Citizens of Rutino

Director General of the State Property Agency, ITALY

The award was assigned to Roberto Reggi for his efforts in the valorisation and redevelopment of Italian public real estate assets.
His strategic vision aimed at the recovery and regeneration of public property has allowed in recent years to transform old abandoned buildings, urban vacuums, opportunities for development and economic and social growth for the country. At the helm of the Agenzia del Demanio, thanks also to the support of a united and motivated "team", it was able to grasp the market's expectations, combining it with the regulatory opportunities, inserting the assets into suitable circuits for their future destination.

Awarding Ceremony
Naples, 03 May 2018


For their daily commitment to the defense and preservation of the Casbah of Algiers, UNESCO World Heritage Site. This award is given to the hundreds of artisans, merchants, men and women who do not intend to leave the Casbah of Algiers who are building a civic choral system to prevent the destruction of this unique place in Algeria and the Mediterraneano.

Awarding Ceremony
Naples, 29 october 2014

ICOMOS - 2013
Consiglio Internazionale dei Monumenti e dei Siti, ITALY

The Consiglio Internazionale dei Monumenti e dei Siti (ICOMOS) is a global NGO whose mission is to promote, conserve, utilize and valorize monuments and sites.
Thanks to its actions, the evolution and circulation of ideas promote a new sensitivity towards the use of cultural heritage in the Mediterranean and the rest of the world. Diversity, collegiality and impartiality are the fundamental values which lie at the heart of exchange between countries of the North and South throughout the world. Renewed solidarity channeled through young people will contribute to the indispensible process of sensitization and education towards the conservation of monumental heritage.

Awarding Ceremony
Naples, 04 January 2013

Director General UNESCO, BULGARIA

For her commitment to the defense and protection of world cultural heritage as well as for strengthening the cultural diplomacy as a fundamental basis for peace and mutual respect among peoples. In particular, through her actions, she has created a space with which to recognize the value of immaterial and intangible cultures, considering them as the world heritage of mankind.

Awarding Ceremony
Naples, 3 september 2012


Philantropist, LEBANON

For her activity in favour of the historical, artistic, architectural, environmental and cultural heritage of Mediterranean Countries, in particular of Lebanon. By her actions, she has favoured – considering it one of the aspects of the historical heritage – the reintegration of the communities of migrants within their countries of origin.

Awarding Ceremony
Naples, 13 june 2010