Complete Lest || of events

"It was a great emotion to see Pope Francis here in the United Arab Emirates - said President Michele Capasso - and with the Fondazione Mediterraneo we are happy to have been among the historical actors of this process. The 120 thousand Catholics who took part in the first open mass celebrated by a Pope in the Arabian peninsula on Tuesday morning are the clear demonstration of the success of Francis' trip to Abu Dhabi. More than solemn speeches and signatures in front of the flashes of photographers, it is the very presence of Francis in this land that is decisive. If the document on human brotherhood signed at the Founder's memorial really goes down in history, it will be seen over the years. In the document the good intentions are many and ambitious that if put into practice would certainly lead to universal peace. This will not happen and the signatories know it first. But it's something, a step. The developments will be seen in a month and a half, when Francesco will continue the tour in Islam by visiting Morocco ".

Memorable words of Pope Francis:

"Even today, in the name of God, in order to safeguard peace, we need to come together as one family into an ark that can sail the stormy seas of the world: the ark of brotherhood. ... Enemy of the brotherhood is individualism, which translates into the will to affirm oneself and one's group over others. It is a trap that threatens all aspects of life, even the highest and innate prerogative of man, that is, openness to transcendence and religiosity. True religiosity consists in loving God with all our heart and neighbor as ourselves. Religious conduct therefore needs to be continually purified by the recurring temptation to judge other enemies and adversaries. Each creed is called to overcome the gap between friends and enemies, to assume the perspective of Heaven, which embraces men without privileges and discrimination ".

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President Michele Capasso and Senator Giuseppe Lumia took part in a meeting with the students of the first and second level secondary school of the Maria Ausiliatrice Institute of Naples-Vomero for a reflection on migrations, legality and interculturality as a way that leads to peace. Through the meeting with young people the most important issues of this historical moment were addressed.

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The president prof. Michele Capasso and the prof. Maurizio Iaccarino attended the theatrical show "Winston vs. Churchill" with Giuseppe Battiston and Maria Roveran, directed by Paola Rota.
Taken from "Churchill, the vice of democracy" by Carlo G. Gabardini tells an unpublished Churchill.
Is it possible that a man alone can change the world? What makes it capable of changing the course of history, of intervening on the flow of events by modifying them? What allows him not to succumb to the gears? The ability to read reality? The context? The bravery? Intellectual strength? Giuseppe Battiston meets the figure of Churchill, brings it on stage, reinvents it, investigates the mystery of man through the magic of theater, without ever losing the powerful sense of irony. "Better to make the news than to receive them, better to be an actor than a critic." Of all this speaks the text of Charles G. Gabardini, which shows Churchill in a dreamlike present in which his whole existence is co-present and ends up speaking to us and us today with a disarming precision.
At the end of the show President Capasso proposed to perform a representation in the Churchill Hall of the Museum of Peace - MAMT and to nominate Battistoni at the next edition of the "Mediterranean Award".

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Zico was a Moroccan clochard: his real name is Abderrazzak Hatime. Fifty years of age, many spent in Naples.
Saturday night, January 12, he and his friends are drunk, he is the victim of a fight between them and in the end he is killed with a knife.
A great displeasure for a mild man.

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