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a cura di “Civilizzare l’urbano - ETS” (con Patrizia Bottaro e Massimo Pica Ciamarra) e di “NA.ME. - Istituto per le trasformazioni di Napoli Città Metropolitana” (con Pasquale Belfiore, Alessandro Castagnaro, Ottorino Celano, Massimo Clemente, Annalola Geirola, Massimo Pica Ciamarra, Riccardo Rosi) con contributi di Valerio Barone (aspetti istituzionali), Michele Capasso, Livio De Santoli (energia e sostenibilità), Paolo Frascani (storia economica), Claudio Troisi (infrastrutture e mobilità) e di Gennaro Russo e Claudio Voto (Italian Institute for the Future / Center for Near Space).
Video a cura di Michele Capasso (Fondazione Mediterraneo) “verso Napoli Città Metropolitana” 2021  (ed. it.) 20x20 – pp. 80, ill. a colori - ISBN 978-88-944192-3-8

These notes are an invitation to reflect on the future of "Naples Metropolitan City": on the need to reform its institutional set-up and to outline environmental and urban transformation processes that will help it to leave behind positions in the rankings for quality of life. The data collected are certainly not exhaustive: they are the minimums sufficient to highlight glaring anomalies or contradictions that lead us to suggest how to abandon "the era of unjustified ignorance" and how to outline a suitable institutional and urban reorganization.
Again in summary form, they document how precisely in Naples - with the Framework Plan of Equipment (1974/75) - a first organic proposal was formulated on an urban scale of what will then happily be theorized in 2003 in "Five Minutes City" giving rise to principles and to techniques, first of all sporadic, which - from 2017 - begin to spread almost everywhere, from Canada to Australia and also in Europe.
In the final pages, first notes of these logics in some and very different areas of the territory of "Naples Metropolitan City"

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Maria Pia Giudici. Edizioni Magma/Fondazione Mediterraneo – Napoli 2018 (ed. it.) 15x21 – pp. 98 - ISBN 88-8127-074-1

From the Preface by Luigi Accattoli:

This book by Maria Pia Giudici is a fairy tale: or rather a set of fairy tales.
The best of these fairy tales are the characters and the best of the characters are the names: there is the sweet Sofronia, which is a snail, and there are the mole Clotidea and the crow Fracchia.
And then the ladybird Rinella, the butterfly Paolella, the magpie Agilulfo, the mole Sprofondina, the squirrel Codafluens, the mosquito Zizì and others.
Maria Pia Giudici does like children: she takes them on the fly which is a marvel: she looks at a caterpillar that explores a lettuce and ecocla that looks up and gives it a name with the confidence that was of the creator: "God called the day light"




Maria Pia Giudici. Edizioni Magma/Fondazione Mediterraneo – Napoli 2014 (ed. it.) 17x24 – pp. 110 - ISBN 88-8127-000-0

Dalla Prefazione di Michele Capasso:

Questa Nostra Buona Terra” non è una semplice storia o un romanzo, come l’autrice Maria Pia Giudici lo definisce. È Vita Vera Vissuta.
In queste 3 “V” sta la sintesi di quello che definirei “Elogio alla Semplicità della Vita”: utilizzo le lettere maiuscole perché, in un mondo che ha perduto il riferimento ai Veri Valori della Vita, ancora una volta parlano le 3 “V”! per evocare il delirio dell’avere, del possesso, della “roba” (come l’autrice ama definire).
Le pagine scritte da Maria Pia sono un esempio unico e portante per i giovani, affinché possano trovare, leggendole, le risorse indispensabili per “vivere” e “condividere”: con fede, pace, libertà e solidarietà.



Michele Capasso. Edizioni Magma – Napoli 1994 (ed. it.) 17x24 – pp. 192, ill. a colori

It is the story of the mayor of a southern town, San Sebastiano al Vesuvio. A simple story, to which the passionate participation of the son-narrator adds a familiar flavor. The author, although suspicious of a justified, affectionate indulgence towards the parent, is not satisfied with his own experience to outline the personality of Mr. Niente; on the contrary, he takes care to collect testimonies and documents to form an exhaustive dossier on his father's work: Mayor for 35 years, until his death. Such a long public life of "Signor Niente" testifies to the constant pursuit of ideals that are both simple and rare at the same time: good governance, understood as the correct management of public affairs and as a mandatory guarantee of the rights and needs of the weakest; resistance to the pressures of organized crime; the involvement of the entire population in the ideal motivations and practical achievements of the municipal administration. A singular passage in this biography is constituted by the creativity of this mayor and by his autonomy of the Rules of the party power. Volpisce, in other words, the way in which the Mayor solves the problems of his community using the method of door-to-door dialogue, of frankness, even brutal, and, at the same time, of respectful understanding of the rights and opinions of others. This story is an example of what a public administrator can do when he does not lose the ideals and values ​​that are indispensable to pursue the general interest and the common good.

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La Grande Méditerranée
Conférence de Michele Capasso - Président de la Fondazione Mediterraneo
Edizioni Magma - Fondazione Mediterraneo. À l’occasion de la remise du Premier Doctorat Honoris Causa de l’Université Cadi Ayyad

Marrakech, le 9 mars 2007

Elisabetta Caponnetto
André Azoulay
Roberto Aliboni
Bichara Khader
Tuomo Melasuo

Maria‑Angels Roque

febbraio 2013 (ed. fr) 15x21; pp. 176
ISBN: 88‑8127-044-7


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