Proceedings of the 5th Study-Meeting “Lorenzo Vivaldo”, Savona, 10-12 October 1997. VV.AA. edited by Michele Brodino, Edizioni Magma – FLM Napoli 1996 (It.), format 17x24, pp. 68 – ISBN 88-8127-024-2
This book gathers the proceedings of the Meeting organized through the general and scientific support of the International Association SECUM (Science, Education et Cultures en Méditerranée) and the Fondazione Laboratorio Mediterraneo. The reflection proposed starts from the analysis of the religious dimension as humanitas and, of course, from the presence of the three most widespread monotheistic religions in the Mediterranean region. Judaism, Christianity and Islam have been present for centuries in the Mediterranean, but can we, men of the 21st century, affirm that there has been true and mutual knowledge and dialogue among these religions? Or have we just seen a lot of fights following one another, which have prevented us from knowing each other and having a dialogue as free men? These are the questions raised during the Meeting and to which the Catholic, Jewish and Muslim lecturers tried to give an answer.
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