Complete Lest || of events

Nullo Minissi. Edizioni Magma - FLM Naples 1995 (it.) format17x24 - pp. 59 – ISBN 88-8127-005-6

The book provides an overview of the present state of Arts Faculties in order to track the political process which has led them to such condition. Besides the overall reasons and the four revolutions of contemporary culture which caused their crises everywhere, the author thinks that in the Italian case it is also necessary to take into account the influence, under the variety of laws and particular rules, of the constant and consistent application of some principles going back to the end of the Sixties, which had guided all university policies. From this point of view, provisions which seem not to be based on sound judgement, or even not making sense, appear reasonable in view of the predetermined aims. Crucial point and keystone of a political system which is now breaking up, the university has to change, at a time when students graduate in a really united Europe, since in the post-industrial society a Country without a widespread higher culture is bound to decline.

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Proceedings of the International Meeting – Genoa – 16th – 17th February 1996. VV.AA: Edizioni Magma – FLM Napoli 1997 (It.), format 17x24 – pp. 128 – ISBN 88-8127-012-9

On February 16th and 17th 1996, the Regional Council of Liguria and the Fondazione Laboratorio Mediterraneo promoted the International Meeting “Voci dal Mediterraneo”. The most important writers from both sides of the Mediterranean, such as Ben Jelloun, Biamotti, Sanguineti, Djebar, Matvejevic’, Maggiani and so on, joined the meeting. In the end, the participants proposed the institution of a “Parliament of the Mediterranean Writers”: a place where voices “of” and “from” the Mediterranean could be regularly gathered. This book represents an important testimony concerning the value and the indispensability of the dialogue among different cultures, that the Mediterranean Laboratory Foundation has promoted, with its network, since its institution.

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Izet Sarajlic, Preface by Predrag Matvejevic. Edizioni Magma – FLM Naples 1996 (It.) format 17x24 - pp. 136 - ISBN 88-8127-014-5

The pages presented here were published during Sarajevo siege. In Il libro degli addii (The Book of Farewells), the poets tells what had been most precious for him in his lifetime: it is a farewell to his numerous friends and enemies. Proper nouns become a metaphor, keys for understanding the book. This log-book written by a shipwrecked person includes many episodes, each summarizing a story. The author observes not so much the war but rather life during war: in the end, life will prevail but black dreams will last over time, maybe unforgettable.

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Domenico D'alessandro. Edizioni Magma - FLM Napoli 1994 (it.) 13x21 - pp. 184 - ISBN 88-8127-001-3

Gaetano Filangieri has the ability to be a teacher without ostentation, to move things with the strength of his own ideas, to teach with the example of his life. He puts into practice his assumption that "The philosopher must be the apostle of truth and not the inventor of systems". The saying that: "everything is said is the language of those who do not know anything to produce or who do not have the courage to do so". He is convinced that "if the lights he spreads are not useful for his century and for his homeland, they will be useful for another century and for another country". He manages to be "a citizen of all places, a contemporary of all ages, the universe is his homeland, the earth and the school, his contemporaries and his posterity are his disciples".

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Francesco Alberto Caracciolo. Edizioni Magma - FLM Napoli 1995 (it.) 13x21 - pp. 112 - ISBN 88-8127-002-1

In these pages Caracciolo flies, touching, writes, describes, sweeps across the universe, swoops down. He cuts, severs history, men and their works. He takes off again, higher and higher ... in the hope of discovering the relativity of everything. He walks the paths of fantasy traveling in the immensity of thought, crossing that of creation. Everything is rediscovered in the dimensions of Lilliput. Divinity itself is seen in the image of a God who reveals himself as the God of only 120 universes. The man who is in man emerges. It is a push to think, to dare.

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