Complete Lest || of events

In occasion of the "9° European Meeting of Community Psychology”, MAMT hosted delegates and youth from all over the world whom appreciated museum’s collections.

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The MIP, pizza international museum, is one of the most interesting sections of MAMT which, along with showing panels with the history of the two food and  “objects‑relics” which are showing their story and evolution through the millenniums, hosts a dedicated  taste itinerary in which is possible to go through the cultural history and enjoy the typical Neapolitan pizza. This section is looked after by  Fondazione Mediterraneo and Neapolitan Pizza Chef Association and represents an excellence for the city. The announcement was made during a press conference in which joined the Major  Luigi De Magistris.

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A delegation led by Min.Pl. Enrico Granara, coordinator of the euro Mediterranean policy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, visited the construction site of MAMT preview - Mediterranean Museum of Art, Music and Traditions, focusing in particular on the crib eighteenth century Giuseppe Ferrigno donated to the Foundation and the Mediterranean is taking place in the Museum.

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There was a convivial meeting in the new rooms of the MAMT - The Museum of Mediterranean Art, Architecture, Music, Migration, Tourism and Traditions that the Fondazione Mediterraneo is finishing in the fitting.
Among the objectives of the sharing of objectives and articulation of the new museum.
Among those in attendance: Maria Fortuna Incostante, Donata Francescato, Raffaele Felaco, Jocelyne Vincent, Augusta Angelucci, Antonella Bozzaotre, Patrizia Iaccarino, Letizia Renzulli, Lello Russo, Nicola Principe, Diego Pacella, Amelia Grimaldi, Mario Rusciano, Pasquale Belfiore, Manuel Grimaldi, Ugo Carughi, Pietro Angelino, Luciano Cammarota, Gianfranco Iula, Tiziana Russo, Paolo Valerio, Serena Dinelli, Cristina Damiani.


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