Complete Lest || of events

Daniele Casaletta, accompanied by his family, visited the Museum of Peace - MAMT and gave a gift of a work of "String art" that portrays Pino Daniele and that will be located in the music room of the Museum.

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Among the sections of the Peace Museum dedicated to the "Great protagonists of History", a special place is occupied by Antonio de Curtis, in art Totò.
The spaces dedicated to him are titled "ANTONIO DE CURTIS PRINCIPE POETA" and tell the human aspect of the great actor.
On the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the death of the great Antonio de Curtis, in art Totò, which took place on 15 April 1967, and as part of the celebrations that will be held in his memory in the city of Naples - such as the exhibition "Totò Genio" (intended by the Association Antonio de Curtis, promoted and co-organized by the Municipality of Naples in collaboration with the country's major cultural institutions, the Istituto Luce, the Polo Museale della Campania – Palazzo Reale, RAI, La SIAE - Italian Society of Authors and Publishers, with the contribution of Rai Teche and the Central State Archives) - the Museum of Peace - MAMT dedicates almost all its spaces and multimedia system with 107 videowalls to the great Antonio de Curtis, the Prince and the Poet.
A tribute due to one of the most important and illustrious Neapolitans.
Large influx of visitors from all over to pay homage to Antonio de Curtis, Prince Poet: artfully "Totò"!

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Among the sections of the Peace Museum dedicated to the "Great protagonists of History", a special place is occupied by Antonio de Curtis, in art Totò.
The spaces dedicated to him are titled "ANTONIO DE CURTIS PRINCIPE POETA" and tell the human aspect of the great actor.
On the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the death of the great Antonio de Curtis, in art Totò, which took place on 15 April 1967, and as part of the celebrations that will be held in his memory in the city of Naples - such as the exhibition "Totò Genio" (intended by the Association Antonio de Curtis, promoted and co-organized by the Municipality of Naples in collaboration with the country's major cultural institutions, the Istituto Luce, the Polo Museale della Campania – Palazzo Reale, RAI, La SIAE - the Italian Society of Authors and Publishers, with the contribution of Rai Teche and the Central State Archives) - the Museum of Peace - MAMT dedicates almost all its spaces and multimedia system with 107 videowalls to the great Antonio de Curtis, the Prince and the Poet.
A tribute due to one of the most important and illustrious Neapolitans.

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