Complete Lest || of events

Don Angelo Santorsola - Director of the Salesian House of the Vomero and next Inspector for the South of the Salesians - and Fr Fabio Bellino - delegate to youth pastoral care - led a delegation of young students from the Salesian Institute of Naples - Vomero visiting the Museum of Peace - MAMT and emotional paths: from "Pino Daniele Alive" to "La Campania delle Emozioni".

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Don Angelo Santorsola - Director of the Salesian House of Vomero and next Inspector for the South of Salesians - and Fr Fabio Bellino - delegate to youth pastoral care - led a delegation of young students from the Salesian Institute of Naples - Vomero in the "Don Bosco Chapel" of the Museum of Peace, on the occasion of the festival dedicated to the "Saint of Young People".
An exciting moment of prayer among the finds, objects and symbols of Don Bosco.
On this occasion some videos of "Don Bosco, the power of love" were previewed: twelve emotional paths that will constitute the Salesian Oratory virtual, a hub of Salesians in the world and whose inauguration is scheduled for February 17,2017 in the presence of the Rector Major Don Angel Fernandez Artime.

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Celebrated solemnly at the Museum of Peace - MAMT the "Feast of Don Bosco".
Don Angelo Santorsola - Director of the Salesian House of Vomero and next Inspector for the South of Salesians - and Fr Fabio Bellino - delegate to youth pastoral care - celebrated, in the rooms dedicated to the Saint of Young people, the Holy Mass in the presence of the students of the last classes of high school, teachers and members of the Fondazione Mediterraneo.
On this occasion some videos of "Don Bosco, the power of love" were previewed: twelve emotional paths that will constitute the Salesian Oratory virtual, a hub of Salesians in the world and whose inauguration is scheduled for February 17,2017 in the presence of the Rector Major Don Angel Fernandez Artime.

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The spirit of Don Bosco and the Salesians present in 132 countries of the world is renewed in the "Virtual Salesian Oratory" of the Museum of Peace - Mamt: a unique and fascinating experience through 12 emotional paths with the chapel dedicated to the "Saint of the Young".
The "Salesian Oratory virtual" includes videos, images, music, multimedia links and other hypertextual instruments with high technology 4k and aims to spread Don Bosco's work through a multimedia hub that contains the essential moments of the action carried out by Salesians in every part of the world: appreciated on several occasions by Pope Francis and unanimously recognized, especially by those who have lived the educational, human and social experience of the "Saint of the young".
The museum section - the title of which is "DON BOSCO, THE POWER OF LOVE" - is realized by the Fondazione Mediterraneo and the General Direction of Salesians in collaboration with the Southern Province.
Don Pasquale Cristiani, inspector for the southern Italy of the Salesians, and Don Fabio Bellino, delegate to youth pastoral care, completed the emotional videos under the direction of President Michele Capasso.
The opening is scheduled for February 17,2017 and will be attended by the Rector Major Don ÁNGEL FERNANDEZ ARTIME.

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