Complete Lest || of events

Many visitors on the first Sunday of May at the Museum of Peace - MAMT, many coming from Lecco: admired for the emotions and expertise with which the Museum is conducted.

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On the occasion of the Biennale of Young Artists, President Capasso met the Minister of Culture of Albania Mirela Kumbaro Furxhi underlining the ancient friendship and collaboration between the Fondazione Mediterraneo and the Republic of Albania.
President Capasso invited the Minister to visit the Museum of Peace - MAMT on a day dedicated to the Biennial and Albania.

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President Michele Capasso, one of the founders of the Biennial of Young Artists of Europe and the Mediterranean, presented the Museum of Peace - MAMT and received praise for the unique initiative of its kind.
In particular, the artist Costas Varotsos, has shown particular interest in representing the works he created around the world at every moment of his life.

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President Capasso - with the Ambassador of Albania Anila Bitri Lani, the Councillor for Culture of the Puglia Region Loredana Capone and the Councillor for Culture of the Municipality of Bari Silvio Maselli - participated in the presentation of Michelangelo Pistoletto and Juan Sandoval's work by the students of the Academy of Fine Arts in Bari under the supervision of Professor Antonio De Carlo.
Immediately after the work was embarked on with young artists and directed to Tirana to be exhibited at "MEDITERRANEA 18 YOUNG ARTISTS BIENNALE".

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