Complete Lest || of events

The Secretary General Michele Capasso, the Council of Ambassadors, the Governing Council with Pia Molinari and Jacopo Molinari, the International Committee, the delegates of the autonomous sections "Fondazione Mediterraneo", "Accademia del Mediterraneo" and "Almamed" and the heads of the branch offices expressed their outrage at the death of Aleksej Navalni.
"This is a defeat of democracy and freedom," said Secretary-General Michele Capasso speaking to a group of students to whom he showed a video circulating on social networks from the documentary named after him. Users are relaying a specific scene from the film in which the Russian dissident recites what could be considered his spiritual testament. "If they decide to kill me," Navalny says in the video, "it means that we are incredibly strong and we must use this power. Sitting in semi-darkness at the counter of a completely empty bar, the activist asks his followers to continue what he started: "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good people to do nothing. So do not be inactive".

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As every year, the United States of the World, the Fondazione Mediterraneo and the Museum of Peace held various events with school students and selected groups of visitors on the occasion of the 2024 'Day of Remembrance'. In the Israel Room - inaugurated by Shimon Peres - various videos were screened, some of them unpublished, on the Shoah and the deportation of the Jews to the various concentration camps.
There was emotion and participation particularly when watching the testimonies of Israelis and Palestinians who were victims of the ongoing conflict. In particular the testimonies of Andra and Tatiana Bucci during their visit to the Museum of Peace. Their story was moving: daughters of Jewish mothers, in 1944 - when they were only 6 and 4 years old - they were deported to Auschwitz and survived.

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At the age of 102, dear, fraternal Friend and Master NULLO MINISSI flew to heaven.
Former Magnificent Chancellor of "L'Orienale" University, he was one of the Founders of the "Fondazione Mediterraneo" and of the "United States of the World", taking on the role of Secretary-General and President of the International Committee.
Moved, all of us members remembered the Great Man of Culture, the Great Philologist and above all the Master with whom we faced so many battles for peace and human rights, especially in the Balkan Area so dear to him.
His example will be our guide at a difficult time in history when artificial intelligence could take over and destroy the fundamental value of MAN.

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