Complete Lest || of events

The Commander of the Naples Municipal Police Ciro Esposito accompanied by his wife Anna Maria Di Napoli visited the Peace Museum - MAMT.
Welcomed by the president Michele Capasso and the director Pia Molinari, the guests visited especially the emotional sections dedicated to the three monotheistic faiths: the Mosque, the Synagogue and the Chapels dedicated to Don Bosco, Mother Mazzarello, Pope John Paul II, Padre Pio and Madre Teresa of Calcutta.
The section dedicated to the sculptor Mario Molinari, author of the Totem for Peace, is highly appreciated.

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Peppino Di Capri visited the Museum of Peace - MAMT and the section dedicated to the sculptor Mario Molinari.
Accompanied by president Michele Capasso and Pia Molinari, the singer appreciated this unique initiative for Naples and the Mediterranean.
President Capasso recalled his long-standing acquaintance with Peppino Di Capri since 1973 and culminated in July 2004 with the assignment of the "Golden Key" of the city of Alessandria, on the initiative of the Fondazione Mediterraneo and the Italian Embassy to Cairo.

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Don Peppe Diana would have turned 60 today if the Camorra had not broken his life on March 19, 1994.
Accompanied by President Michele Capasso, visitors to the Museum of Peace - MAMT have been able to trace the life, teaching and message of Don Peppe: for legality, respect for institutions and human dignity.
The President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella in a message underlined how "The mafias are insinuated in the weaknesses of institutions and in places of marginality: this Don Giuseppe Diana has always strongly denounced. His martyrdom left a deep mark ... ".

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The conference organized by the North & South association on the "Città della Scienza" took place at the Museum of Peace - MAMT.
At the center of the debate was the political-bureaucratic stalemate in which the museum pole fell over five years after the fire which, on March 4, 2013, reduced to a large part of the structure to ashes.
The topics dealt with were many, starting from the logistical recession in the reconstruction plan, to the centrality of Città della Scienza as for investments in research and innovation until, obviously, arriving at the eternal unfinished: the reindustrialisation project of Bagnoli.
They discussed with the head of Politics for Southern Italy Severino Nappi, the president of Svimez Adriano Giannola, the President of the Aerospace District Campano Luigi Carrino, the vice president of the Study Center of Liberal Thinking Vincenzo Caputo, the journalist Massimo Calenda.
The president of the Fondazione Mediterraneo Michele Capasso in his welcoming address has underlined the role of "house of peace" of the Museum and the collaboration agreements long signed with Città della Scienza, born - like the Fondazione Mediterraneo - 30 years ago. The hope - said Capasso - is to be able to actively resume as soon as IDIS returns to ordinary management that will allow it, beyond the museum and communication initiatives still lively, to resume the research activity with energy.
For the Fondazione Mediterraneo "Once upon a time the City of Science" - the initiative's title - is a tribute to the extraordinary initiative conceived by Vittorio Silvestrini and a free reflection of civil society that urges positive evolutionary processes towards a future that wishes even better than its splendid past. 

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