Complete Lest || of events

Some visitors, including Hana Ensir, have visited the Museum of Peace - MAMT expressing admiration for a place where one can breathe peace.
The hope is that the tormented Libya can return to be a country in peace and secure a future for young people.

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John Hyseni, Erèza Kosumi and Arsenta Syleimani - coming from Pristina (Kosovo) - visited the Museum of Peace - MAMT and, in particular, the rooms dedicated to the war in ex-Yugoslavia and in Kosovo.
Greeted by President Capasso, they were excited to see the images of the greatest European tragedy after the Second World War.
At the end of the visit they wanted to thank President Capasso, who, 25 years ago, sold a large part of his assets to save innocent children in Bosnia and Kosovo.

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The training session of the international conference "MINI INVASIVITY IN PERIODONTOLOGY AND TRADITIONAL APPROACH IMPLANTOLOGY" took place at the Museum of Peace - MAMT. The Fondazione Mediterraneo - partner of the conference - welcomed the participants and projected in high definition the emotional videos of the Museum of Peace - MAMT leading guests from various countries of the world on a visit to the Museum.

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The "We citizens for Naples" Association of Angelo Colella and the Fondazione Mediterraneo organized a meeting with Alessandro Barbano and presented his book "Too many rights. Italy betrayed by freedom "(Mondadori Editori).
The works were introduced by President Michele Capasso and moderated by prof. Massimo Lo Cicero.
Among the present the proff. Massimo Pica Ciamarra, Maurizio Iaccarino, Nello Polese; journalists Santa Di Salvo Giorgio Gradogna, Said Margoul; entrepreneurs Fulvio Merlino, Ettore Cucari, Bibi Giurazza; the politicians Luciano Schifone and Massimo Adinolfi.
The author, Alessandro Barbano, underlined the need to re-weave the frayed threads of our consciences with the power of culture and the urgency of balancing the relationship between rights and duties.
Members of the Anna Lindh Italia Federation participated.

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