Complete Lest || of events

The Museum of Peace - MAMT has hosted initiatives in favor of migrants and refugees precisely to remember the emergence of a situation that is causing thousands of victims all over the world.
The current situation in the world has over 250 million migrants, of whom 22.5 million are refugees.
Especially in a historical moment in which the topic "migrants" becomes a thorny issue and US President Donald Trump would like to revoke the protection status to thousands of immigrants from Haiti, El Salvador and some African countries, it is necessary to act to promote integration and coexistence.
Article 1A of the 1951 Geneva Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees defines:

"The refugee is one who fearing reason to be persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, belonging to a particular social group or for his political opinions, is outside the country of which he is a citizen and can not or does not want to because of this fear, make use of the protection of this country; or that, having no citizenship and being outside the country in which he habitually resides as a result of such events, he can not or does not want to return there because of the aforementioned fear ".

Precisely for these reasons, President Capasso - welcoming visitors from all over the world - has instead reiterated his concern about the conditions of those fleeing war, persecution, natural disasters, poverty.
The Fondazione Mediterraneo will participate in the 105th World Refugee Day which will take place on September 29th 2019.

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The councilor of the Campania Region to youth policies Chiara Marciani visited the Museum of Peace - MAMT, in particular the sections dedicated to the sculptor Mario Molinari and the "Campania of emotions".
Great appreciation for a unique heritage site of humanity.

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The award ceremony of the "Mediterranean Award of Peace 2018" and the title of "Ambassador of the United States of the World" was held to Emma Bonino in Naples, at the headquarters of the Museum of Peace - MAMT.
Among those who have already received this recognition Leah Rabin, Najib Mahfouz, Shirine Ebadi and others.
The Mediterranean Prize is internationally renowned and is supported by many international institutions.
The ceremony was attended by representatives of various countries and members of the Fondazione Mediterraneo and the Anna Lindh Italia Federation.

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A delegation of poets from Israel composed of Nurit Cederbonn, Sara Aronovitch Karpanos, Rahven Shabbat, Michal Doron, Hain Sefti, Tal Bello and Balfour Makak visited the section of the Museum of Peace - MAMT dedicated to the sculptor Mario Molinari. Greeted by Pia Molinari, the poets appreciated and shared the poetic language of the sculptor of color.
In front of Molinari's Totem for Peace they read their common poem "The spirit of peace".

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A delegation from the city of Ottaviano led by the parish priest and Sister Anna Avenia (FMA) visited the Museum of Peace - in particular the paths dedicated to “Don Bosco, the power of love” - and paid homage to the TOTEM OF PEACE with the urn of the Unknown Migrant in the Port of Naples by placing a laurel wreath.
Present were representatives of various countries, of the Port Authority of Naples, of the Salesian Family, of the FMA Sisters and of the Anna Lindh Italia Onlus Federation.
The parish priest of Ottaviano with a representation of the religious community recited the prayer of the Migrant, shared by the Muslim representatives of the participating Campania communities with their associations to the Anna Lindh Italia Federation.

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