Complete Lest || of events

General Pasquale Angelosanto - commander of the Carabinieri - ROS - and Giuseppe Antoci visited the section of the Museum of Peace - MAMT dedicated to the sculptor Mario Molinari.

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On the occasion of the 26th Anti-Mafia Summit and the 6th Summit on the Mediterranean, the "Totem for Peace" (Molinari - sculptor) becomes the symbol of the struggle against the Mafia.
The main exponents of the “Lotta alla Mafia” in Italy gathered around the monumental work: from magistrates Catello Maresca and Cesare Sirignano to parliamentarians Lumia, Aiello and Giarrusso; from the commander ROS general Pasquale Angelosanto to Giuseppe Antoci; from the journalists Dania Mondini and Francesco Borrelli to presidents Michele Capasso and Salvatore Calleri.

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On the occasion of the European day and the 69th anniversary of the declaration of Robert Schuman (9 May 1950 - 9 May 2019) the Fondazione Mediterraneo, the Circolo  Città Unite of Abruzzo, the Torino Group 8 April, the Union of European journalists and communicators and the MANN Foundation organized the conference on "The United States of Europe for a Mediterranean of Peace": preparatory event for the WORLD PEACE FORUM that the Fondazione Mediterraneo is carrying out during this year 2019.
The conference took place at the G. B: Vico European Classical High School and was attended by a Belgian delegation and the students of the Olvhemelvart College of Belgium.
On this occasion, President Capasso presented the section Mario Molinari of the Museum of Peace – MAMT and the Totem of Peace.
Among the interventions the prefect of Chieti Giacomo Barbato.

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Students of the Institute of Higher Education "Europa Unita" of Chivasso visited the section of the Museum of Peace - MAMT dedicated to Mario Molinari, the sculptor of color who created a monumental work in the square of Chivasso.
Students and teachers have retraced the life and works of the Turin sculptor: the "House-Museum" of Turin, the monumental works, the emotional videos, the “Totem for Peace”.
The conclusion of the visit was the choir "We want to live in color", before the Totem for Peace.

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