Complete Lest || of events

The Fondazione Mediterraneo, in partnership with academies, universities and various countries around the world, presented at the Museum of PeaceMAMT, "THE REPUBLIC OF SPACE": a long-term project aimed at protecting, preserving, enhancing and promoting the heritage of humanity in the main categories.

We live in a difficult moment in our history - said the president Michele Capasso - in which the fluid dimension seems to be predominant: values, climate change, art, creativity, crafts, collective memories and much more seem to have no more meaning and everything appears at the mercy of an "anomalous" wave capable of upsetting the world by taking everything away.

To save the immense material and immaterial world heritage it is necessary to act "Beyond" and "Other": creating a real dimension outside our planet, precisely in Space, where to protect, safeguard, enhance and promote the most significant part of the assets world heritage. From artistic heritage - at risk of earthquakes, floods and climatic events - to collective immaterial memories, from the most significant documents of history to poems, from ancient knowledge to new technologies: a list nourished of things to be preserved and protected, both at an intangible and material".

On the occasion of the celebrations of the thirtieth anniversary of the birth of the Fondazione Mediterraneo  - scheduled for 2020 - the executive project and the general criteria of "The Republic of Space" will be presented in various countries.

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During a ceremony held in the Prefecture of Chieti, the prefect of Chieti Giacomo Barbato and the president Michele Capasso handed over to the General of B. dott. Carlo Cerrina - Commander Legion Carabinieri Abruzzo and Molise - a copy of the "Totem of Peace tricolor" by the sculptor Mario Molinari realized during the celebrations of the Unity of Italy.

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During a ceremony held in the Prefecture of Chieti, the prefect of Chieti Giacomo Barbato and the president Michele Capasso handed over to Colonel Florimondo Forleo - Provincial Commander of the Carabinieri of Chieti - a copy of the "Totem of Peace tricolor" by the sculptor Mario Molinari realized on the occasion of the celebrations of the Unification of Italy.

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The "Totem for Peace" by the sculptor Mario Molinari was attributed to Don Luigi Ciotti for his commitment against the mafias and for legality and social justice.
The "Totem for Peace" was presented by the prefect of Chieti Giacomo Barbato, the president of the Fondazione Mediterraneo Michele Capasso and by Pia Molinari during a ceremony held in the Prefecture of Chieti in the presence of a large audience and civil, military and religious as well as representatives of the "LIBERA" association from various countries.

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