Complete Lest || of events

The president of the Fondazione Mediterraneo Michele Capasso with Pia Molinari - member of the board of the Foundation - celebrated the 9th anniversary of the "Totem of Peace" in Iraqi Kurdistan, in Erbil.
"Nine years ago - President Capasso recalls - we met the President of the Iraqi Kurdistan region Massoud Barzani in Erbil, accompanied by a delegation of Ministers and by the Chief of Staff Fuad Hussein.
On that occasion, President Barzani joined the "Totem of Peace" project, ensuring the support of his country. Mario Molinari's sculptural work - Totem of Peace - was presented in several events held on the anniversary of the Halabja genocide and was recognized as a symbol to represent the martyrs of Kurdistan and, recently, the Christian ones of Mosoul.
An important recognition also in consideration of Pope Francis' recent visit to Mosul and his call to peace and interreligious dialogue of which the "Totem of Peace" is a symbol".

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The president Michele Capasso, the members of the Governing Council and the International Committee, the representatives of the branch offices of the Fondazione Mediterraneo express their deep condolences for the death of Fiorenzo Alfieri, councilor of the Municipality of Turin for over 25 years.
President Capasso recalled his commitment to the creation of the "Luci d'artista" event in Turin and for having contributed to the creation of the "Tricolor Totem of Peace" by sculptor Mario Molinari - a universal symbol of dialogue and cooperation between cities and peoples of the world - in the city of Turin on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy.
In 2011 the Foundation awarded Fiorenzo Alfieri the "Medal of Honor of the Mediterranean Prize", for his commitment to promoting culture and education, especially among young people

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From Friday 30 October to Sunday 10 January 2021, the "Luci d'Artista" exhibition returns to Turin, reaching its 23rd edition this year.
Among the works created since the first edition there is "Concerto di parole" by the Turin sculptor Mario Molinari; since then, in 1998, gigantic sculptures made of expanded polystyrene and painted in bright colors illuminated by powerful headlights seemed to want to break into the darkness of the night: massive in appearance, but in reality light, they were composed of cylinders, parallelepipeds and other solid figures. From that first edition of Luci d'Artista the work was located in the square and via Madama Cristina and the sculptures were placed in part on the roofs of the covered market and in part (the so-called "men" elements) hung in mid-air for a stretch of via Madama Cristina, from corso Vittorio Emanuele II to corso Marconi.
In this edition there is an important novelty constituted by the new location of Mario Molinari's Concerto di parole near the Regina Margherita Hospital (Piazza Polonia, at exit of the underpass of Corso Spezia, in District 8).
The magic of the "sculptor of color" continues

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The tenth anniversary of the inauguration of Mario Molinari's monumental work TOTEM OF PEACE at the Moroccan Parliament was celebrated with a series of events at the Moroccan Parliament and in webinars with the headquarters of the Fondazione Mediterraneo in Marrakech and Naples.
On October 29, 2010, the presidents of the parliaments of the Euro-Mediterranean countries attended the inauguration ceremony declaring that Molinari's work represented the symbol chosen by 140 countries around the world to represent dialogue between peoples.
President Michele Capasso thanked the Moroccan personalities who intervened hoping for a resumption "in the presence" of the qualified activities, the Chaire Averroes, the Mediterranean Award for crafts and others - implemented since 1998 with Morocco

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Ten years ago the "Totem of Peace" was inaugurated in San Sebastiano al Vesuvio.
The monumental work of the sculptor Mario Molinari - which the Fondazione Mediterraneo is spreading all over the world - was installed in front of the Municipality of San Sebastiano al Vesuvio and dedicated to Raffaele Capasso, Mayor of the town for 35 years and architect of the reconstruction after the eruption of Vesuvius in 1944.
A few days after the thirtieth anniversary of the death of Raffaele Capasso, the prefect Valentini comes on an institutional visit to the Municipality of San Sebastiano al Vesuvio also to see its diversity from the hinterland, thanks to the pioneering work of Raffaele Capasso and the administrators who have followed one another. .
Upon his arrival in the Town Hall, Prefect Valentini was welcomed by the Mayor Salvatore Sannino, by the Municipal Council and by the Municipal Councilors, in the presence of the Military, Civil and Religious Authorities.
After a brief interview in the Mayor's Office, the Prefect of Naples participated in the greeting ceremony, organized (in compliance with the current distancing measures) at the "Raffaele Capasso" Council Chamber, where he was greeted by the greeting of the Prime Minister Municipal Gianluca Sannino.
During the ceremony, the Mayor Salvatore Sannino wanted to thank the Prefect Valentini for choosing the Municipality of San Sebastiano al Vesuvio as the site of his visit and he carried out an intervention during which he illustrated the many activities of the Municipal Administration, putting in place highlights the contribution of voluntary associations and the fundamental role for the community of the Parish of San Sebastiano Martire.
The Prefect of Naples thanked the Mayor and the Community for the welcome received, highlighting how San Sebastiano al Vesuvio, from the data in the possession of the Prefecture, represents one of the examples of virtuous Municipalities, in contrast to the various criticalities that are found in the province . In this sense, he hoped that the example of San Sebastiano al Vesuvio could "infect" other realities as well.
Prefect Valentini also wanted to highlight how the care of the territory and local policies represent one of the first elements to promote urban security, since the issue cannot be reduced to just the intervention of the police.
At the end of the ceremony, Mayor Salvatore Sannino paid homage to the Prefect with a lava stone plaque, while the Local Section of the National Carabinieri Association and UNIPAN offered some gifts

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