2019 (EN)

Presented the work of Salvatore Calleri, president of the Antonino Caponnetto Foundation and co-chair of the OMCOM - the Mediterranean Observatory on Organized Crime and the Mafias created with the Fondazione Mediterraneo and its president Michele Capasso.
The book is entitled Manual of survival (to the mafia). For the author it is a book "that explains the mafia through the clichés. A book that teaches us to see, to recognize the mafia. An educational manual that allows you to survive the mafia".
The volume has a preface by Catello Maresca, pm in Naples and from 2007 to the District Anti-Mafia Directorate where he coordinated the arrest of the fugitive boss Michele Zagaria for 16 years: "This is a book that I feel very close to, like an extra weapon to fight the mafia, which fears words, those that communicate its authentic reality, and make it known, and understood. Together, with the commitment and passion of all those who believe in this battle, the Mafia can defeat it, "he wrote in his preface Maresca.
Born in Catania in 1966, grew up in Florence, Salvatore Calleri graduated in law. From 1992 until December 2002 he was one of Caponnetto's closest collaborators. On the idea of ​​the judge's widow, Calleri helped establish the foundation of studies on the mafia which took place in Florence in June 2003 six months after the magistrate's death.
Carabinieri general Vadala was present and the former president of the anti-mafia commission Giuseppe Lumia.
President Michele Capasso, OMCOM co-chairman and president of the Fondazione Mediterraneo, congratulated the author for the quality of the work, sharing its values ​​and aims.