All Events and Initiatives || Year by Year

Visitors from Germany and Rome visited the emotional paths of the Museum of Peace - MAMT. In particular, the section "A sea, three faiths" and "Voices of migrants" moved the visitors who declared the experience to be "Unique".

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At the headquarters of the Chamber of Commerce of Naples there was the conference "Water, Public Benefit" organized by the UCID - Christian Union of Business Executives - with the collaboration of FareAmbiente Campania.
During the meeting presented by the lawyer Antonio Tosi - former Director General of the ARPAC - coordinated and moderated by the lawyer Pasquale D’Errico - Provincial Secretary of the UCID - the “Daga” bill was examined after a comparison with several voices with reflections on the prospects for application.
After greeting the address of the president of the Chamber of Commerce Ciro Fiola, the president Michele Capasso has carried out a report on the state of the water resource to world level, proposing again the UN-UNESCO report presented in the Museum of Peace - MAMT on the occasion of the "World Water Day".
On this occasion he presented the next WORLD PEACE FORUM which will have a special focus on water.
During a meeting with the Hon. Federica Daga, President Capasso underlined the need to consider water as a primary asset with all the necessary actions and legislative actions.

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On the occasion of the European day and the 69th anniversary of the declaration of Robert Schuman (9 May 1950 - 9 May 2019) the Fondazione Mediterraneo, the Circolo  Città Unite of Abruzzo, the Torino Group 8 April, the Union of European journalists and communicators and the MANN Foundation organized the conference on "The United States of Europe for a Mediterranean of Peace": preparatory event for the WORLD PEACE FORUM that the Foundation is carrying out during this year 2019.
The conference took place at the G. B: Vico European Classical High School and was attended by a Belgian delegation and the students of the Olvhemelvart College of Belgium.
On this occasion, President Capasso presented the World Peace Forum, the Museum of Peace – MAMT and the section dedicated to Mario Molinari with the Totem for Peace.
Among the interventions the prefect of Chieti Giacomo Barbato.

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