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On June 10, 1992, a meeting was held at the University Institute "L'Orientale" in Naples to establish the acronym for the "United States of the World".
The participants, members of the International Executive Committee, unanimously approved the proposal of Prof. Nullo Minissi, former Magnifico Rettore of the University Institute "L'Orientale" (from 19.02.1979 to 31.10.1981) and founding member of the Accademia del Mediterraneo, to apply the acronym SUM to all the languages of the world in which it will be translated "UNITED STATES OF THE WORLD".

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The meeting of the International Executive Committee of the "UNITED STATES OF THE WORLD" was held at the Italian Institute for Philosophical Studies.
On this occasion, under the chairmanship of President lawyer Gerardo Marotta, the main aims of the United States of the World and the United States of Europe were defined.

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Accompanied by Mario and Pia Molinari, Michele Capasso met Gustavo Rol at his home in Turin in Via Silvio Pellico: just a few steps from the Molinari "House Museum" in Via Saluzzo in Turin.
"It was an extraordinary and enlightened meeting that changed my life," said architect Capasso. "The 'United States of the World' project will accompany all my initiatives from now on. It is an indispensable action to counter the enemies that humanity itself is producing and growing: destruction of creation with climate change, pandemics, social injustice, wars, destruction of fundamental values".
At the end of the meeting Gustavo Rol strongly recommended that we support the UNITED STATES OF THE WORLD.

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Predrag Matvejevic’ and Michele Capasso - in the framework of the project "Laboratory for the Greater Mediterranean" and the "United States of the World" - organised a first meeting in Naples entitled "THE MEDITERRANEAN AND MITTELEUROPA".
Experts and specialists from various countries participated. Among them: Claudio Magris, Khaled Fouad Allam, Nedim Gursel, Massimo Cacciari, Nullo Minissi, Biagio de Giovanni,  Naguib Mahfouz (from a distance), Vaclav Havel, Giorgy Konrad, Victor Zmegac, Francois Fejtò, Egi Volterrani, Luciana Stegagno Picchio.
At the end of the works, Egi Volterrani proposed a meeting with Gustavo Ról in Turin to deepen his idea of the "United States of the World".
This meeting will give rise to the volume "Epistolario dell'altra Europa" (edited by Predrag Matvejevic') and "Europa Orientale" by Nullo Minissi.

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During a meeting between the architect Michele Capasso and the writer Predrag Matvejevic', the idea of setting up a "Workshop for the Greater Mediterranean" was born within the UNITED STATES OF THE WORLD: the aim is to promote dialogue and cooperation through concrete actions within a coalition of shared values and interests among all the countries that make up the "Greater Mediterranean": the EU countries, those that face onto the southern shore of the Mediterranean, together with those that face onto the Black Sea and the Persian Gulf.
"A great synergy of collaborations developed throughout history, broader and more productive than the wars that have occurred," say Capasso and Matvejevic'. Matvejevic' proposes to hold a conference at the beginning of 1990 on the subject of 'The Mediterranean and Central Europe'.

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