All Events and Initiatives || Year by Year

Co-organized by the National Association of Democratic Lawyers, was held at the Hall of Vesuvius Fondazione Mediterraneo international meeting “Jurists against the wars.”
On this occasion, the Foundation presented the Appeal for Peace in Syria.

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After nearly ten years of activity, the Italian network of the Anna Lindh Euro-Mediterranean Foundation for the Dialogue Between Cultures has been incorporated into a non-governmental organization for social activities (ONLUS – according to the Italian Law). Its charter was registered in the RIDE headquarters in Naples, by the Notary Public Iaccarino-Fasano. The four founding parties signed the incorporation documents: Mr. Enrico Granara, on behalf of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Mr. Michele Capasso, on behalf of the ‘Fondazione Mediterraneo’; Mr. Roberto Russo, on behalf of Fispmed ONLUS; and Mr. Marco Santangelo on behalf of the “Istituto Paralleli del Nord Ovest”.

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It took place in Paris on 11 and 12 September the Third Conference of the Union for the Mediterranean on strengthening the role of women in society, which was opened by the co‑chairmen of the UfM, the High Representative Catherine Ashton and Minister of Social Development of the Kingdom of Jordan, Reem Abu Hassan. A welcome was addressed by the owner, the Minister of women’s rights of the French government, Najat Vallaud-Belkacem. All stressed the desire to grasp the Third Ministerial on women as an opportunity to give new impetus to the exercise of the UfM and the overall pass by the “Mediterranean of principles” to the “Mediterranean of projects”. The Paris Conference, in fact, wanted to be a time to relaunch the process of political dialogue and choosing such a sensitive issue such as that of the status of women in the Mediterranean countries , it was definitely a test. Attending this conference will follow other events in Brussels , which will bring together Ministers responsible for Trade Union for the Mediterranean (November 5) for Transport (14 November) and Energy (10 December). Conference participants have all stressed the importance of working together to ensure that women will be recognized fair treatment and protection of their rights. The countries of the northern shore of the Mediterranean, in welcoming the Final Declaration , have focused their interventions on the need to put in place more stringent efforts to transform the principles into concrete actions. At the points of the Final Declaration there are elements that the Mediterranean Foundation , with Vice-President prof. Caterina Arcidiacono , has developed since the inception of the Foundation - 1994 - and re-presented in the Euromed Civil Forum held in Brussels September 3, 2013 on the same subject .

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At the conclusion of the event “PIZZAFEST 2013,” sponsored by “Associazione Pizzaioli of Naples” and the “Molino Caputo”. President Michele Capasso, the councilor for the City of Naples Pina Tommasielli and Councilman Antonio Luongo visited the stands promoting the “Pizza for peace “in order to emphasize the urgency of peace in Syria and in other parts of the world.

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A delegation of the Fondazione Mediterraneo has participated in St. Peter’s Square at the vigil of prayer and fasting by Pope Francesco around the world for peace, against war and, especially, to solve the tragic situation in Syria.
President Capasso expressed their praise for the simplicity, the strength and the power of words of Pope Francis.

“At this difficult time - said Capasso - is reason to hope the presence and the initiative of Pope Francis. The simplicity and power of his words awaken the consciences of those who have to decide and, I hope, will help transform the LOVE OF POWER in the indispensable POWER OF LOVE”.

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