All Events and Initiatives || Year by Year

Portugal Republic is present at MAMT with objects, artifact and precious azulejos donated by the city of Lisbon.

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Took place in Rome – in Sala Umberto of Teatro Ragazzi- the Opening Ceremony of “ Legality Week Festival”. Joined Salvatore Calleri, Antonino Caponnetto Foundation President, Sen. Beppe Lumia, Antimafia Parliamentar Commission , Sen. Vannino Chiti, Constitutional Affairs Commission, Sen. Mario Giarrusso, Antimafia Parliamentar Commission, Hon. Federico Gelli, Social Affairs Commission, Lorenzo Diana, Naples Agro Industrial President, Rosy Bindi, Antimafia Parliamentar Commission president, Parliamentar Ministry. Enrico Granara, Co-ordinator of Euro Mediterranean Policies of Foreign Affairs Ministry, Michele Capasso, President of Fondazione Mediterraneo, and Pia Molinari, member of Consultative Board of Fondazione Mediterraneo.

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It has been presented the 2013 Cultures Forum of Naples City, at the presence of Naples’s Major De Magistris, Campania region governor and Caldoro and Xavier Trias, Barcelona former major during the Spanish forum. The event took place in San Carlo Theater. Fondazione Mediterraneo has been one of the sponsor of Cultures Forum and wishes to give its contribuition, even in this short edition.

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