All Events and Initiatives || Year by Year

The major of Naples Luigi de Magistris joined to the opening ceremony and expressed his own appreciation and Naples city’s one for the efforts of Fondazione Mediterraneo, ascribing MAMT of the role of internationalize and catalyst also of the Cultures Forum.

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The Assessor of Culture and Education Caterina Miraglia joined to the opening ceremony in behalf of Campania Region President Stefano Caldoro, showing her appreciation for the twenty years activities and aims of Fondazione Mediterraneo and praising MAMT defying it as an unique and extraordinary resource of Campania Region.

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MAMT hosts “MUSEUM PIZZERIA”, where take place MIPPizza and Bread International Museum – where is possible to taste the typical neapolitan pizza and other pdo products.
The agreement is between Fondazione Mediterraneo and Neapolitan Pizzamakers Associations

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Inaugurated at MAMT “Procida Hall, Island for Peace”, with island’s artworks and finds.
Joined to the ceremony Procida major Capezzuto, culture assessor Scotto di Carlo,
Naples major De Magistris, Campania Region culture assessor Caterina Miraglia, MAE Ambassadors Granara, Moroccan one Abouyoub, Tunisian Mestiri, exponents of three monotheistic religions, Procida and San Sebastiano al Vesuvio’s majors and the head of Military School “NunziatellaNapolitano.

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