All Events and Initiatives || Year by Year

Continue the journey of the "Red Sail" Molinari.
The "Totem of Peace" is making his way in the UAE, a country that has changed with the world becoming a laboratory in the world of knowledge, technology, analysis, architecture and much more.
Michele Capasso and Jacopo Molinari had meetings to discuss the possibility of realizing the monumental work also in view of Expo 2020.

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After the journey of the late architect Vittorio Di Pace - a member of the Fondazione Mediterraneo than 106 years wanted to visit Dubai - President architect Michele Capasso with Jacopo Molinari visited the "City of the Future" that has managed to combine old traditions with the most daring experiments architecture of the world, including the "Tower Armani", tallest building in the world with its 836 meters.

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The "Totem of Peace" party from Gaeta in 2010, continues on her journey.
On the occasion of the inauguration of the 7th edition of the Yacht Med Festival president of the Fondazione Mediterraneo, Michele Capasso and the secretary of defense Domenico Russo stressed the importance of the symbol of the sculptor Mario Molinari as an instrument of peace in the world and the "Euro-Mediterranean Concert for the Dialogue between Cultures" to be held in Gaeta April 30, 2014, promoted by the Fondazione Mediterraneo and the Chamber of Commerce in Latin America.
In honor of the "Totem of Peace" celebrated the flag-wavers of Gaeta.

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The President Michele Capasso spoke at the opening ceremony of the 7th edition of the Yacht Med Festival.
The Foundation collaborates Mediterranean since the 1st edition of this significant event for the economy of the sea wanted by the president of Unioncamere Lazio, Vincenzo Zottola.
During the opening ceremony the words of appreciation for the activities of the Fondazione Mediterraneo - especially for the "Totem of Peace" and the "Euro-Mediterranean Concert for the Dialogue between Cultures" - were expressed by the secretary of defense Domenico Russo, from Special Commissioner of the Port Authority of Naples, Admiral Felicio Angrisano, commanding general of the Harbour / Coast Guard and MEP Silvia Costa.
On this occasion the Presidenta Capasso and RAI journalist, Donatella Bianchi, presented the 13th edition of the "Euro-Mediterranean Concert for Dialogue among Cultures" will conclude the Yacht Med Festival April 30, 2014.

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