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The International Committee of the "Totem of Peace" - the monumental work of the sculptor Mario Molinari which the Fondazione Mediterraneo is building in the world - the European Union has decided to donate the work "Totem of Peace" to be allocated at the site of European Council.
The ceremony will take place during the Italian Presidency of the EU.
This decision was made ​​official by President Michele Capasso Ambassador Stefano Sannino, Deputy Permanent Representative of Italy to the EU.
The decision to build a "Peace Symbol" was adopted in 1997 by the "Euromed Civil Forum" in Naples, organized by the European Commission.

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It took place in Gaeta, part of the Yacht Med Festival, the thirteenth edition of the "CONCERT FOR THE EURO-MEDITERRANEAN DIALOGUE BETWEEN CULTURES: SOUNDS OF PEACE", in collaboration with the Chamber of Commerce of Latin America, the European Union and the RIDE - Italian Network for Euro-Mediterranean Dialogue.
On this occasion, Eugenio Bennato, Pietra Montecorvino and the Tunisian M'Barka Ben Taleb suggested contamination of Mediterranean music that involved the audience.
The Concerto is dedicated to the "TOTEM OF PEACE": the monumental work of the sculptor Mario Molinari that match right from Gaeta in 2010, is spreading throughout the world.
For the Fondazione Mediterraneo intervened Simone Pedrelli Carpiche with the President of the CCIIA Latina Zottola, recalled the significance of the Totem of Peace.

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Continue the journey of the "Totem of Peace Tricolore" by Mario Molinari between the Italian Embassies in the world.
An exemplary - specially created to mark the 150th anniversary of the Unification of Italy - was delivered by the President of the Fondazione Mediterraneo, Michele Capasso, Ambassador Stefano Sannino, Deputy Permanent Representative of Italy to the European Union.
On this occasion it was communicated to Ambassador Sannino the decision of the International Committee of the "Totem of Peace" to donate a copy of the work of Mario Molinari for the headquarters of the European Council on the occasion of the Italian Presidency of the EU.

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It was held in Brussels on "Southern Neighbourhood Civil Society Forum" organized by the European Commission in the framework of the Neighbourhood Policy devoted to the countries of the southern shore of the Mediterranean.
The commitment to involve Civil Society in the South Shore in the processes of governance - through a "Structured Dialogue" with the local authorities, regional and the European Union - is the result of the European Commissioner Stefan Fule, present in the work.
The Mediterranean Foundation, represented by the President Michele Capasso and Vice-President Caterina Arcidiacono, stressed the twenty-five years of commitment to the Euro-Mediterranean Dialogue between Civil Society and, in particular, the Euromed Civil Forum II of Naples in 1997, with which the Foundation fact anticipated the "structured Dialogue" - the subject of today's meeting - then bringing together more than 2,000 representatives of civil society, local and national government and the European Union in order to give continuity to the "structured Dialogue".
The Foundation, during the working sessions in Brussels, has proposed experiment in Naples, at the headquarters of the "Maison de la Méditerranée", a "SCHOOL OF EDUCATION TO STRUCTURED DIALOGUE" for representatives of civil society, local institutions and national and the European Union.

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It met in Brussels on the Board of Directors of the "Euromed NGO Platform", an organization created by the Euromed Civil Forum, and especially by that of Naples in 2003 organized by the Fondazione Mediterraneo.
The Foundation is sponsoring since 1989 Euromed Civil Society, was present at the meeting - as a member of the Board - with the President Michele Capasso and the Vice President Caterina Arcidiacono.
On this occasion it was agreed to check the "status" of the platform in the light of ongoing changes such as the crisis in Europe, the "Arab Springs", youth unemployment, migration, etc..

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