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The award cerimony of the VII edition of the “Mare Nostrum Award 2014”took place in Rome.
Created by “Grimaldi Magazine” Mare Nostrum Awards is devoted to promoting the Highways of the Sea. The aim is to exploit this unique opportunity of tradings, links and sustainable development for all countries of the Mediterranean. The Mare Nostrum Awards prize amounts, as every year, to EUR 50,000 divided among the top five.
The International Jury of the Award consists of prominent members of journalism and culture.
The President Folco Quilici is supported, among the others, by Vassiliki Armogeni,greek journalist of te magazine Efoplistis, Michele Capasso, President of the Fondazione Mediterraneo, Diana De Feo, RAI journalist, Mimmo Jodice, photographer, Paul Kyprianou, former President RoRo Carriers Europeans. Secretary of the Prize is Luciano Bosso, journalist and editor of Grimaldi Magazine Mare Nostrum.
During the evening, the President Michele Capasso was interviewed by Massimo Giletti on his recent mission to Erbil and Gaza.

The 6 winners are:

  1. Massimo Minella for the article “Engorgement Mediterranean - It shrinks the Mare Nostrum” published in the daily “Repubblica”;
  2. Giovanni Capozzoli for his television service "Highways of the Sea, highways to love" which aired on the SeiTV Television;
  3. Marco Molino for the photographic exhibition "The Wave of Stone" held in Procida (Na) at the School of Higher Education of the University "L'Orientale”;
  4. Danilo Mainardi for the article "Wriggle among the waves" published in the weekly "Sette-Corriere della sera";
  5. Claudia Bonasi and Antonio Dura for the photographic exhibition “Salerno-Tunisi, journey on the routes of the Mediterranean ceramic”, held at the Arch catalan of Pinto Palace,Salerno;
  6. Kostas Syligardos for the coverage on TV called “Sea Highways” aired on the greek portal

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It will be held in Caserta, at Casale of teverolaccio - Succivo, the Conference "The purchasing groups, including reconciliation of time, environment, economy and sustainability," to which the Mediterraneo Foundation has granted its patronage..
The conference is part of the event Festambiente Terra Felix, which is held from 5th to 7th September 2014.

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IlDr. Jamal Sanad Al-Suwaidi, General Manager of the Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and Research, is one of the world's leading experts in strategic studies and political. he discussed with President Michele Capasso about the current crisis and the new world order, anticipating the contents of his book "Mirage", an analysis of the inability of world leaders to manage the power: "Once they reach it - he said - they don’t know how to handle it: you have the illusion to get the sun and to keep owning it forever, without knowing that one day it will disappear, making way to the night."
After the debate, the President Capasso accompanied his guest to visit the city of Naples in the most significant places.

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