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Ernesto Olivero, founder of Sermig, dedicated to Michele Capasso the first copy of “Letter to the Consciuous”.

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Michele Capasso and Ernesto Olivero in visit to the family of Don Giuseppe Diana . During the meeting was given to Emilio and his mother Jolanda the MAMT museum catalogue, in which is illustrated also the section dedicated to Don Peppe. Mamma Jolanda was deeply touched by the efforts spent to commemorate his child.

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Prof. Ruggero Maria Santilli hold Lectio Magistralis called “New Sciences for a new era”. Joined to the meeting several scientists, researcher and between them are noteworthy Michele Capasso, Fondazione Mediterraneo’s President, Carmine Nardone chairman of Futuridea and Dr. Salvatore Càlleri Regione Sicilia Assessor.

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The XVI edition of Napoli Film Festival will be helded between 29 september – 8 october) hosting documentaries from Alto Fest under the dominion of Film in Residency project and the supervision of Giuseppe Colella, coordinator of Schermo Napoli. Alto Fest is, according to its creators «an international festival of performing arts and multidisciplinary event born on July 2011», realized «thanks to the support and cooperation of neapolitan citizens whom gave hospitality in their houses or other private spaces (shops, storehouses, canteens, gymnasiums to several artist coming from all over the world».
Fondazione Mediterraneo supports the Festival since its first year of screenings.

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