All Events and Initiatives || Year by Year

Romano Prodi, European Committee President, has been appointed with the “Mediterranean Award for Civil Society”, during a ceremony held in Naples. During his speech, the Foundation’s president Michele Capasso remembered the importance of Prodi which with its foresight, as President of Commission Europe, aimed to assign a central role in European policies for intercultural dialogue. The results of the work done by "Group with high consultative level” established in 2002 – is still a reference for the euromediterranean cooperation and cultural interaction and social of the region, and it’s an important pillar of Anna Lindh Foundation. Joined to the event Ambassadors from 42 euro mediterranean countries and members from Anna Lindh Foundation beside to Board of Governors, Consultative Coommitte and National Network Leaders.

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Michele Capasso, Fondazione Mediterraneo’s president and Senen Florensa, Executive President of IEMED - the Barcellona based European Institute for Mediterranean celebrated together the 25 years of both the institutions. This was the occasion to remember the events and collaboration between two institutions which left an unforgettable mark in the euro mediterranean partnership: from the Barcellona Civil Forum Euromed and Euro Mediterranean conferences in Naples, since book publishment to thematic workshops. “Today I’m in the house of a brother” declared ambassador Florensa hoping in the next 25 years collaboration could be closer.

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Anna Lindh Foundation’s president André Azoulay, its Executive Director Andreu Claret and the leaders of 42 National Network inaugurated “Anna Lindh Wing” of MAMT, in which has been collected publications, witnesses and other multimedia supports about 10 years of Foundation activity.

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From 26-29 October 2014, the XIIIth Meeting of Heads of the ALF National Networks was held in Naples. As Head of the Italian Network, President Capasso participated for the Fondazione Mediterraneo while Elisa Adorno presented the Istituto Paralleli del Nord Ovest

At this event, the following themes were discussed.

  • Objectives and Strategies 2015-2017
  • Development of Networks

Among others, the members discussed the Arab Spring and the role that the National Networks can play. President Michele Capasso suggested developing joint actions to valorize immigrants to give greater visibility to young people on the south shore of the Mediterranean and events in Naples ALF+10.
Unanimous judgment by the President Azoulay, Director of Claret and participants for their hospitality and for the quality of the work.

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Under the definition of “Euromediterranean Olympics” Fondazione Mediterraneo hosted several events in its headquarter and between them took place. The meeting of 42 ambassadors at SOM of Mediterranean Union, with general secretary Sijilmassi. Those one of ambassadors member of Lindh foundation’s Board of Governors and the Consultative Committee’s members and National Networks leader. The last euromediterranean meeting with media and European Committee Štefan Füle which focused on next projects, Romano Prodi conferences which focused on the next plans. Euromediterranean Dialogue Italian Network General Assembly. At the end “Mediterranean Award” ceremony has been held and the person awarded were: Romano Prodi, Štefan Füle, Simone Camilli, Pino Daniele, Serge Telle, Maurizio Marinella, Antonio de Martino, Israelian and Palestinian mothers and Artisans of Algeri, Felicio Angrisano, Andreu Claret. All these projects "Totem for Peace" of Mario Molinari: red sail which symbolically represents peace and it is particullary important in this historical moment, as it has been defined by the participants, for the importance of achieved aims.

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