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In the end of the meeting held in Naples at Fondazione Mediterraneo, presidente Azoulay has been interviewed by local TV nazionali on the role of Foundation about the intercultural dialogue.

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In occasion of events for the 10 years ALF, under the presidency of André Azoulay, from the Foundation’s Consultative Board Anna Lindh (FAL) and it have been talked about the Foundation’s future. The President Michele Capasso in its speech highlighted the RIDE role as an example of good working practice. Capasso remembered Consultative Board had its first meeting in the headquarter of Consultative Board and it has been launched the proposal to open the board of ALF at Fondazione Mediterraneo.

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European Commissioner for Neighbourhood Policy Štefan Füle, accompanied by his wife Anna, visited the headquarters of the United States of the World, welcomed by Secretary General Michele Capasso.
Füle plaused the foundation for its 25-year commitment of the United States of the World to Euro-Mediterranean dialogue and cooperation hoping a closer involvment with European Union. Secretary General Capasso showed to Füle and his wife Historical Center of Naples.
At the conclusion of the meeting, the titles of "Standard Bearers of the United States of the World" were awarded to numerous Academics from various countries of the world who attended the international colloquium on "Ethics and Media".

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During a ceremony held in Naples has been consigned the “Mediterranean Award Civil Society” to Štefan Füle, European Commissioner.
During its speech president Michele Capasso talked about the importance of Füle’s work which assigned to Civil Society’s organizations, especially those one of Mediterranean countries, a significant role in the governance process and democracy which allows them to have a crucial role. The initiative of “Structured Dialogue” between Civil Society, Local Authorities and European Union it is essential for the relaunch of Europe and in partnership with Mediterranean south shore’s countries. Commissioner Füle thanked Fondazione Mediterraneo and plaused its 25 action for dialogue between civil society and promoter of peace in Mediterranean. Joined to the event Ambassadors from 42 euro mediterranean countries and members from Anna Lindh Foundation beside to Board of Governors, Consultative Committee and National Network Leaders.

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