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The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation hosted the General Assembly of RIDE: “Italian Network of the Anna Lindh Foundation for Euro-Mediterranean Dialogue” which brings together bodies, institutions and organizations which have been involved for years in the construction of dialogue and peace in the Euro – Mediterranean area and among all of them the  Fondazione Mediterraneo
is remarkable. The Min.Pl. Enrico Granara and the hon. President of RIDE Michele Capasso coordinated the meeting.
The president of Anna Lindh Foundation Elisabeth Guigou joined the meeting praising the role of Italian network and its fundamental contribution in the establishment and development of Anna Lindh Foundation.
The necessity of dialogue between Islamic-Arabic world and Western was on the agenda, in the same day of the anniversary of New York attack.
“Thousands of human beings are meandering in the heart of Europe in the last few years - has declared the president Michele Capasso – and this is the most beautiful thing that I had occasion to experience.  For decades the voice of people was entrusted to political exponents, which were ex pressing only their interests, fears, secret agreements, hypocrisy, hate and selfishness. And now, before a epochal tragedy which involve and will involves everybody, different populations discovered that their lives have sense just if we recognize the pleasure and the richness of live together.
In conclusion the members of  RIDE met the Advisory Board of Anna Lindh Foundation and the ambassador Executive Director Hatem Atallah.
On this occasion, the Fondazione Mediterraneo was elected Head of the Italian Network for the period 11.09.2015 - 11.09.2018.

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It took place in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation the General Assembly of RIDE: the “Italian Network for Euro-Mediterranean Dialogue” established by the Ministry along with organizations and associations which are involved for years in the building of dialogue and peace in the Euro-Mediterranean space and among them the Fondazione Mediterraneo deserves particular mention.
In this occasion the Assembly appointed, unanimously, the Executive Board which will be on charge until October 2017 and will composed by the following members:

  1. SALVATORE CALLERI, Fondazione Caponnetto
  2. MARISA GARITO, Università Uninettuno
  3. LUIGI DE LUCA, Istituto di Culture Mediterranee
  4. GIOVANNI SERRA, Dignità del lavoro
  5. JANIKI CINGOLI, Centro per la pace in Medio Oriente
  6. FOAD AODI, Amsi
  7. ENRICO MOLINARO, Prospettive Mediterranee

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“The slaughters of migrants which transformed the Mediterranean sea in a bloody sea is a burden on the consciences of whom are unable to find a solution because of their personal interests.
These are the words pronounced by president Capasso in the aftermath of Mediterranean tragedy. And he pronounced also an appeal to Europe “ so it stops with its indifference and insensibility”.
The Fondazione praised the appeal of President Obama, the involvement of the General Secretary of Onu Ban ki-moon made with the aim to organize a meeting of State Leaders by the end of September: but now is the moment of act and struggle against human traffickers and their supporters.

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The president Michele Capasso, the members of the International scientific board and the men in charge of the foundation foreign branches express their grief for the cruel murder of Khaled Al-Asaad, the famous archaeologist which cooperated with the Foundation in order to support and valorize the archeological site of Palmyra, heritage of the humanity. “We pay homage to the Guardians of Palmyra” – affirmed the President Capasso - and we are against cruelty, barbarity and slaughters. The Museum of Peace MAMT will remember Palmyra and the prof. Al-Asaad”

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