All Events and Initiatives || Year by Year

The Saudi prince Turki al Faisal al Saud, former chief of Riad intelligence and president of King Faisal Center Research and Islamic Studies (KFCRIS) – one of the most important world personalities come to Naples and paid homage to the ‘Totem of Peace’ with the urn of “Unknown Migrant” made by the sculptor Mario Molinari and in which are collected the remains of migrants coming Lampedusa. The artwork - installed in the square of “Coast Guard”, in front of the Maritime Station of the Port of Naples – has been gifted by Fondazione Mediterraneo to the “Port Captaincy – Coast Guard” in occasion of the 150 anniversary of their establishment, as a homage to all the men and women of Coast Guard daily involved in the rescue of lives in the sea.
Joined to the ceremony the ambassador of Arabia Saudita in Italy Rayed Khalid A. Krimly, the Ambassador of Tunisia in Italy Naceur Mestiri, Michele Capasso, Secretary General of the United States of the World, the Chief Admiral Felicio Angrisano, the General Captain of Port Captaincy – Coast Guard the Admiral Antonio Basile, the Commissioner of Port Authority of Naples and men and women of Coast Guard.
In this occasion the Secretary General Capasso highlighted the importance of Totem of Peace, so important in this particular historical moment and along with Admiral Felicio Angrisano, the Ambassador of Tunisia and the Prince Turki al Faisal al Saud placed on the urn olive branches and sagebrush coming from Tunisian shores from which the migrants start their travels.
On this occasion, the titles of "Standard Bearers United States of the World" were awarded.
The Prince Turki al Faisal al Saud put in the urn a message of solidarity to migrants.

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During a ceremony at the Fondazione Mediterraneo headquarters was assigned to S.A.R. Prince Turki at Faisal al Saud, president of the King Faisal Center for Research and Islamic Studies, the "Mediterranean Award Diplomacy 2015".
He has delivered the prize consisting of Mario Molinari's "Totem of Peace", president of the Fondazione Mediterraneo, Michele Capasso.
At the ceremony, among others, Ambassador of Saudi Arabia to Italy Rayed Khalid A. Krimly, Ambassador of Tunisia to Italy Naceur Mestiri, Catherine Arcidiacono, Vice-President of the Mediterranean Foundation, Admiral Inspector Captain Felicio Angrisano, Commander General of the Body of the Ports of Capitals - Coast Guard, Antonio Capuano, Professor of Tor Vergata University, Admiral Antonio Basile, Commissioner of the Port Authority of Naples and Men and Women of the Coast Guard Antonio Capuano, Professor of the University of Tor Vergata.
In his speech President Capasso traced a profile of Prince Turki to Faisal al Saud, emphasizing the role of a great strategist and diplomat whose experience is a reference for the entire world.
After reading his speech on international politics, Prince Turki at Faisal al Saud thanked for the high recognition "received by one of the most prestigious institutions in the world, the Mediterranean Foundation."
The Mediterranean Award is awarded in collaboration with the most important international organizations and with the RIDE - Italian Network for the Euro-Mediterranean Dialogue.


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In occasion of the 11/09, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation will host two important meetings in favour of dialogue and peace.
The first is the meeting of Advisory Board of Anna Lindh Foundation – composed of 43 Mediterranean countries – and aims at the re-launching of International actions in face of the challenges of migration phenomenons. The Foundation, was born in the 2003 under the UE Italian Presidency as a tool for the Union for the Mediterranean in the activities of intercultural dialogue and the strengthen of civil society in the South Mediterranean shore.
The meeting will be opened by the newly appointed President Elisabeth Guigou, along with the new president of Foreign Affairs Commission for French National Assembly and will join the Under Secretary of Foreign Affairs Mario Giro and the Minister of Education, Universities and Research Stefania Giannini.
The second meeting is that one of RIDE – Italian Network for Euro-Mediterranean Dialogue- established in 2013 by MAECI and by the most important Italian institutions active in the field of dialogue and cooperation. The RIDE general assembly has been summoned by the president Michele Capasso and is important in order to decide the guide lines for the biennial 2016-18 and will appoint the new Executive Board.
At the end of the day it will be held a meeting between the Anna Lindh Foundation Consultative Board and RIDE, Italian Network of the same Foundation. The event will be held in Rome as recognition of the Italian crucial role, as country with the most active Civil Society present in the Anna Lindh Foundation. Italy will offer to Anna Lindh Foundation its Documentation Center and Museum which are now in a phase of multimedia requalification. Both the museum and the documentation centre are hosted in the building of Fondazione Mediterraneo in Naples. The Fondazione, during its 25 years of activity, contributed to the establishment and development of Anna Lindh Foundation.

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The General Assembly of RIDE, Italian Network for Euro Mediterranean Dialogue” has been hosted in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Italian Cooperation. The RIDE is the Italian member of Anna Lindh Foundation, established by the Ministry along with associations and organizations which for years have been involved in the dialogue and peace in the Euro-Mediterranean space. Fondazione Mediterraneo is an important member. The president of Anna Lindh Foundation Elisabeth Guigou, during his speech, recognized the role done by the Italian network and the level of activities carried out. The president Guigou praised the involvement of the president Michele Capasso, which spent all his life in this mission of dialogue and peace supporting the establishment of Anna Lindh Foundation.

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