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Sister Maria Pia Giudici launches an appeal to educate young people, victims of anarchist information and, often, dangerous.
"We must be able - she says - to transform them in" Positive Hunters ".

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The second edition of the Forum MED - Mediterranean Dialogues, sponsored by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and ISPI (Institute for International Political Studies), was closed today in Rome.
Common security, the fight against terrorism, the future of the Middle East with a special focus on Syria and Libya, immigration, energy, growth, the role of women and young people in reviving the economy are some of the key issues of the three-day debate which has made Rome - and this important meeting - a true "hub" of strategic reflection on the Mediterranean: not only a region of conflict and crisis but a space full of potential to work on building a positive agenda, which is leave behind a widespread pessimism and go back to centralizing the region in an ever-changing international scenario.
Over 40 Heads of State, Ministers and Leaders of International Organizations and 500 leaders in the world of politics, economics and finance, 80 think tanks and international institutions, as well as scholars and experts from around 55 countries: a massive participation has given the measure of a strong, shared and sustained international project.
They attended the Forum MED - Mediterranean Dialogues: John KERRY, Secretary of State, United States of America; Sergey LAVROV, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Russia; Boris JOHNSON, Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, United Kingdom; Federica MOGHERINI, High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy; Mohammad Javad ZARIF, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Iran; Mohammed AL-THANI, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Qatar; Giorgio NAPOLITANAO, ISPI Honorary President; Staffan DE MISTURA, UN Special Envoy for Syria; Frans TIMMERMANS, First Vice-President of the European Commission; Ibrahim Abdul-Kareem Hamza Al-Eshaiker AL-JAAFARI, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Iraq; Ahmed ABOUL-GHEIT, Secretary General of the Arab League; Roberta PINOTTI, Minister of Defense, Italy; Edi RAMA, Prime Minister, Albania; Filippo GRANDI, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees; Ibrahim GHANDOUR, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sudan; Claudio DESCALZI, CEO, ENI; Mauro MORETTI, CEO, Leonardo Finmeccanica Spa; Emma MARCEGAGLIA, President, Business Europe.
To reinforce the idea of ​​hubs have contributed a series of meetings called Pre-Med, which took place on November 30 and December 1 morning, and the scientific partnership of the European University Institute, IFRI, Bruegel, Chatam House, DGAP, European Council on Foreign Relations. Important round tables with entrepreneurs on both sides of the Mediterranean (promoted by Confindustria-BusinessMed), meeting of the Aspen European Strategy Group, meetings between Mediterranean Energy Regulators and security experts with NATO Defense College; the ministry on energy promoted with the European Commission and a meeting between the planners of the foreign ministries of the area; a comparison between the international media promoted with RAI and one of the representatives of the Think Tank area and the Steering Committee of the Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights Center.
The Anna Lindh Italia Onlus Federation is present at the meeting with some of its members.

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The story of a challenge, of a balance between nature and men, from time to time to precariousness.
"An important conference and an opportunity to revitalize Venice in the Mediterranean and as the center of the" Great Mediterranean ": President Capasso expressed the congratulations of the conference by supporting the Parliamentary legislative support proposal at the" Black Sea Observatory ".

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It was great to see hundreds of young people and as many parents together in the selections of "Interculture": the historic association that for a half century promotes youth exchanges on the 5 continents.
It was like going from the "thought" - the proposals on young people born from the General Assembly of the Italiana ALF Network (of which "Intecultura" is part) last November 11 - to practical application: severe selections, dreams, parents' concerns but still the awareness that exchanges and the knowledge of other cultures are the great wealth on which to build a better future.
So many feelings, so many emotions that the five floors of the "Museum of Peace" (the Museum of Emotions) found the ideal place with the nomination of the young participants as "Standard Bearers of the United States of the World".

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