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At the margins of the "XXII NATIONAL ANTIMAFIA VERTICE" some founding members of the “Federazione Anna Lindh Italia onlus” met the Senate President Pietro Grasso, who explained the aims and mission of the" Federation ", focusing on legality, social justice and peace.

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The “Federazione Anna Lindh Italia Onlus” - a network of 600 Italian organizations for international dialogue and cooperation - has collaborated with the "XXII NATIONAL ANTIMAFIA SUMMIT" organized by the Fondazione Caponnetto and by OMCOM, the founding members of the "Federation". The work has been completed by Senate President Pietro Grasso.

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The President of the Republic Sandro Pertini - among the most beloved of the Italians - lives again at the Museum of Peace - MAMT in an emotional thrush dedicated to him and to Judge Antonino Caponnetto: both advocates of social justice as a premise of democracy and freedom. This was announced by the president of the Fondazione Mediterraneo Michele Capasso, intervening at the "XXII National Antimafia Summit": present the Vice-President of the “Pertini Foundation”, Mr. Petro Pierri, who thanked on behalf of the President Umberto Voltolina.

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In the first months of 2017, the MUSEUM OF PACE - MAMT (Mediterranean, Art, Architecture, Archeology, Environment, Music, Migration, Traditions, Tourism) will open a section dedicated to the protagonists of Italian history: Sandro Pertini and Antonino Caponnetto.
In the historic building of the former "Grand Hotel de Londres" in Piazza Municipio (where the Museum is located in the heart of Naples, a few steps from the metro station designed by Alvaro Siza and the cruise port) through video, documents and exhibits will be able to enjoy of an emotional journey that tells the experience of Sandro Pertini and Antonino Caponnetto: two examples of lives devoted to democracy, freedom, social justice and the Good common.
To announce that in the presence of the President of the Senate Pietro Grasso, Salvatore Calleri and Michele Capasso - Presidents of the Fondazione Caponnetto and of the Fondazione Mediterraneo - on the occasion of the "22° National Antimafia Summit" held in Bagno a Ripoli (Florence) on 16 December 2016.

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The "XXII ° National Antimafia Summit" was held in Florence organized by the Fondazione Caponetto in collaboration with the Fondazione Mediterraneo, the OMCOM, the "Federazione Anna LINDH Italia-Onlus" and the municipality of Bagno a Ripoli.
This year's theme is "NO TO MAFIA AND TERRORISM: WITH THE UNITED STATES OF EUROPE A CHANGE OF STRATEGY IN CONTRAST”. Among the interventions those of Senators Giuseppe Lumia and Mario Giarusso, the magistrates Giuseppe Lombardo, Catello Maresca, the attorney Pietro Suchan, the Colonel Giorgio Giombetti, the journalists Paolo Borrometi, Martin De Sá Pinto and others. The president of the Fondazione Caponetto Salvatore Calleri stressed the topicality of the summit wanted by Antonino Caponetto precisely to "keep the guard high" against the mafias, organised crime and terrorism that develops with extreme speed Adapting to the changing times.
The president of the Fondazione Mediterraneo Michele Capasso drew attention to the role of Europe and the non-Constitution of the "United States of Europe", remembering the activites of Fondazione Mediterraneo this issue since 1994.
The work was concluded by the President of the Senate Pietro Grasso who launched an appeal for the anti-mafia movements no to die by making the Fondazione Caponetto for its commitment and to become increasingly as a reference point against Mafias, especially through the OMCOM- Osservatorio Mediterraneo sulla Criminalità Organizzata e la Mafia formed jointly with the Fondazione Mediterraneo. " United Europe against joint crime "is one of the slogans of the summit.

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