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Following the meeting and the workshops held in Pollica (Salerno) on 17 September 2018, the project organizes the Living Labs, to work on the four themes identified by the stakeholders during the event.
Citizens, artists, researchers, technicians, companies and the public sector come together in each Living Lab to integrate their skills and knowledge, exploring ideas, tools and technologies that can address the issues raised. The final objective is to identify and co-design five pilot actions for the creation of innovative and creative companies.
The Living Lab "Tale of the DM" focused on the contribution of Cilento women to the development of innovation and creativity of traditional MD products.
The meeting was held Friday, March 15, in the Palazzo Di Lorenzo, Ceraso (Salerno).
The Campania Region Councilor Chiara Marciani, the general director for social policies Nadia Caragliano and the coordinator of the Carmela Cotrone project took part.
Michele Capasso - president of the Fondazione Mediterraneo, associate partner of the project - underlined the importance of consolidating the results and making them lasting over time: to this end, he offered the site and multimedia equipment of the Peace Museum - MAMT to promote the Mediterranean Diet in all its aspects, in order to ensure a reference site at the international level.

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A few hours after the attacks in the two mosques in New Zealand, many members of the Fondazione Mediterraneo and of the FEDERAZIONE ANNA LINDH ITALIA onlus have dedicated a moment of prayer for the victims of the terrorist attack and for their families.
A message was sent to the World Council of Islamic Communities (World Muslim Communities Council), which is based in Abu Dhabi and brings together more than 600 institutions in 142 countries, "appealing to the international community to take appropriate measures and stop these waves of extremism and hatred in the world ”.

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The Fondazione Mediterraneo present today in various squares of Italy and Europe alongside young people for DEFENSE OF THE PLANET.
In 1989, when the Mediterranean Foundation was born, it alerted people to climate change and to the irreparable consequences for the planet and the earth.
In the same way he warned about the problems of the Mediterranean, about migrants, about wars.
At that time no one seemed to deal with these issues and all of us were considered "visionaries".
Today was a day full of hope.
After the "match" launched by Greta Thunberg - standard bearer of an international battle to protect the environment with entire masses of young people ready to follow it - a "good fire" seems to invade the planet: that of many young people determined not to leave the Earth in hand to unconscious and irresponsible adults.
Climate change and the consequences it brings with it are among the most accessed and discussed issues by public opinion.
The Mediterranean Foundation with the Anna Lindh Italia Onlus Federation supported the students who took to the streets today in many cities: a world strike to open consciences to facts and to the planet that suffers human negligence.
S.O.S: the planet needs the help of all US: crazy climate, melting glaciers, temperatures above the seasonal norm, droughts are just some consequences due to climate change.
As a consequence, this affects economic life, causing damage to communities, production systems and people's health.
Global warming, to be controlled needs the good deeds of each of us and certainly not of selfishness because we must look to a future that is not so far away: in many places it is already TODAY !!
"It is unthinkable to hand over to our children and grandchildren a planet that has become almost incurable: the time to act on the climate is this" said President Michele Capasso, showing the conclusions of the 1997 Mediterranean Foundation Forum where, the same sentence, reported only the conditional: "a planet that could become incurable".
Today it really is!

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Presented the work of Salvatore Calleri, president of the Antonino Caponnetto Foundation and co-chair of the OMCOM - the Mediterranean Observatory on Organized Crime and the Mafias created with the Fondazione Mediterraneo and its president Michele Capasso.
The book is entitled Manual of survival (to the mafia). For the author it is a book "that explains the mafia through the clichés. A book that teaches us to see, to recognize the mafia. An educational manual that allows you to survive the mafia".
The volume has a preface by Catello Maresca, pm in Naples and from 2007 to the District Anti-Mafia Directorate where he coordinated the arrest of the fugitive boss Michele Zagaria for 16 years: "This is a book that I feel very close to, like an extra weapon to fight the mafia, which fears words, those that communicate its authentic reality, and make it known, and understood. Together, with the commitment and passion of all those who believe in this battle, the Mafia can defeat it, "he wrote in his preface Maresca.
Born in Catania in 1966, grew up in Florence, Salvatore Calleri graduated in law. From 1992 until December 2002 he was one of Caponnetto's closest collaborators. On the idea of ​​the judge's widow, Calleri helped establish the foundation of studies on the mafia which took place in Florence in June 2003 six months after the magistrate's death.
Carabinieri general Vadala was present and the former president of the anti-mafia commission Giuseppe Lumia.
President Michele Capasso, OMCOM co-chairman and president of the Fondazione Mediterraneo, congratulated the author for the quality of the work, sharing its values ​​and aims.

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The president, the executive committee and all the members of the “Federazione Anna Lindh Italia Onlus” express deep condolences for the death of the victims in the plane crash in Ethiopia.
In particular the Italian victims, with whom the Federation has collaborated: Sebastiano Tusa, archaeologist and councilor for Cultural Heritage of the Sicily Region; the three volunteers from Tremila Africa, a non-profit organization from Bergamo: president Carlo Spini, wife Gabriella Vigiani and treasurer Matteo Ravasio; Paolo Dieci, president of the Cisp, the International Committee for the Development of Peoples; Maria Pilar Buzzetti, Virginia Chimenti (United Nations World Food Program official) and Rosemary Mumbi.

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